Geosciences, multidisciplinary

Translations : geosciences, multidisciplinary ; géosciences

Domain : sciences of the universe

71 results

Pollen analysis - Plancher-les-Mines (F-70), Peat bog du Rosely

Collected date : 2004
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: peat bog. 64 palynological samples + 6 radiocarbon datings. The results are difficult to interpret due to a possible inversion of a core depth levels.

Pollen analysis - Bloye (F-74), Tourbière (étang) de Beaumont

Collected date : 1984
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: peat bog. 8 palynological samples. Tests for a future research.

Continuous regional climate change projection for France

Collected date : from 1 Jan 1980 to 31 Dec 2100

This data-set concerns the regionalization at 12km resolution of the two Radiative Pathways Projection RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 simulated by the CCSM4 Earth System Model. This dynamic downscaling experiment uses the ARW/WRF model version 3.8.1 run in climate mode. The simulation were conducted by the CRC ...

Reconciling late faulting over the whole Alpine belt: from structural analysis to geochronological constrains

Collected date : from Nov 1995 to Aug 2013

The significance of late-stage fracturing in the European Alps in a large geodynamic context is reappraised by studying brittle deformations over the entire belt. In the internal Western Alps, paleostress datasets display a major occurrence of orogen-parallel extension resulting in normal faulting ...


Collected date : from Aug 2013 ongoing
Creators : Christian Sue

GNSS time-series on 6 sites in the French JURA arc, located taking into account a tectonic-neotectonic strategy. The GPS-JURA network is integrated in the French national RENAG network (CNRS-INSU) for research geodesy.

OMIV - Time series of landslide surface displacements measured by GPS/GNSS

Collected date : from 11 Apr 2003 ongoing
Creators : OMIV

GPS/GNSS observations acquired on OMIV landslides at 24h/30s session/frequency in Rinex standardized file format. Time series of sensor positions and baselines (E, N, Up components).

OMIV - Time serie of seismic waveforms recorded on landslides and catalogue of endogenous seismic events

Collected date : from 21 Sep 2006 ongoing
Creators : OMIV

Seismic waveforms continuous records acquired on OMIV landslides at 250 Hz in miniseed standardized file format. Instrumental catalogue of endogenous seismic events.

DCF77 time of flight measurement

Collected date : from 1 Nov 2016 ongoing
Creators : Jean-Michel Friedt

DCF77 is a Very Low Frequency (VLF) emitter located in Mainflingen, Germany, about 400 km away from Besançon, France. The objective of the collected data is to measure the time of flight of the 77.5 kHz signal with respect to GPS 1 PPS used as reference, and assess the dependence with ionospheric ...

Structural dataset in the Montagne Noire migmatitic dome (French Massif Central)

Collected date : from Apr 2010 ongoing

The structural dataset gives the orientation of structural elements (bedding, cleavage, foliation, lineation, etc.). The data are georeferenced in the World Geodetic System 1984.


Collected date : from Jul 2018 ongoing

Data from the JURAQUAKE seismological network. This temporary network is currently composed of 6 seismic stations located north of Besançon and aims to record microseismicity in the area for research purpose.

Downscaling CMIP5 climate projections over the Mont-Blanc Massif at a 200-m resolution

Statistical downscaling of outputs (daily minimum and maximum air temperature at 2-m) of 13 Earth System Models (simulations: HIST period 1950-2006; RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 period 2006-2100) at a 200-m resolution over and around the Mont-Blanc Massif (Western Europe, border between France and Italy and ...

Clay mineralogical and geochemical expressions of the "Late Campanian Event" in the Aquitaine and Paris basins (France): Palaeoenvironmental implications

Collected date : from 15 Aug 2013 to 15 May 2014

Campanian sediments from two French sedimentary basins were studied, using clay mineralogy and stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) geochemistry, in order to investigate the Late Campanian Event. The clay fraction of the Campanian sediments from the Tercis-les-Bains section (Aquitaine Basin) and from the ...

Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) in Cathedral Peak, South Africa

Collected date : from 13 May 2016 to 19 May 2016

Monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O), using field incubation chambers, in the region Cathedral Peak (KwaZulu Natal nature reserve, South Africa)

Bou Arhous ore deposit

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2011 ongoing

This database contains a set of petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical data from ores collected in the Bou Arhous deposit in Morocco

TEOM (Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance) desert dust measurements in Dédougou (Burkina Faso)

Collected date : from Mar 2012 ongoing
Creators : Nadège Martiny

The TEOM (Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance) instrument was settled in Dedougou (Burkina Faso) in March 2012. It automatically measures the PM10 (particulate matter which diameter is lower than 10µm) mass concentrations at the surface (at 2m) at a 15mn time-step, and day and night. The ...

ISLSCP II Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Consumption by Continental Erosion

Estimates for the riverine export of carbon and of sediments: dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export, particulate organic carbon (POC) export, bicarbonate export, export of bicarbonate being of atmospheric origin (atmospheric CO2 consumption by rock weathering), and sediment export. Estimates are ...

Worldwide distribution of continental rock lithology

Collected date : from 1993 to 2003

Global map of the main rock types exposed on the continental areas (present day). This map has been constructed and digitized from synthetic lithological and soil maps published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO-UNESCO) for each continent, and from additional other sources. The ...

Climate simulations at a kilometer scale over the Mont-Blanc

Collected date : from Apr 2015 ongoing

Ten-member ensemble simulations performed over the Mont-Blanc massif with the ARW/WRF regional climate model, period 1979-2012, forced by ERA-Interim reanalyses

Hydrology, Climate Change, Adaptation, Water Resource in Burgundy (HYCCARE-Burgundy)

Collected date : from 1 Dec 2013 ongoing

Dynamical climate downscaling is realized using the WRF Regional Climate Model at 48km and 12km resolution respectively for Burgundy region. Climate simulations are used to feed the hydrological model GR4J towards the simulation of water ressource trends for 13 watersheds. Climate simulation ...

HydraVitis high spatial resolution hourly near ground air temperature data set, collected in a Burgundy (France) vineyard from 2014

Collected date : from 1 Apr 2014 ongoing

This database collects temperature data collected at a 15 minutes time step by thermal probes (HoBo Pendant) located at 60 cm from the ground, on simple upper radiation shelters. The network is located in a wine growing region in Burgundy, around Aloxe Corton (47°04' N ; 4°51' E). 45 sensors are ...

Global Charcoal Database - Paleofire

Collected date : from 2004 ongoing
Creators : GPWG

The aim of the Global Charcoal Database (GCD) is to provide the scientific community with a global paleofire dataset for research and archiving sedimentary records of fire. The GCD is managed by the Global Paleofire Working Group – GPWG. The GCD is funded and support by: the PAGES initiative and the ...

71 results


Data language


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers