Mentions légales


+33 3 63 08 26 50
The COMUE UBFC is a public institution of a scientific, cultural and professional nature, whose headquarters are located at 32 avenue de l'Observatoire in 25000 Besançon (France).
130 020 910 000 19
Director of publication and person in charge of processing
The interim administrator of the UBFC consortium, Lamine Boubakar.
Design and writing
Sylvie Damy, Raphaël Melior, Rachel Prost, Nadir Tabbou, Hélène Tisserand, Léna Bouillard, Maélys Liseron-Monfils



Protection of personal data

The dat@UBFC portal includes personal information concerning in particular the data providers of UBFC and their partners: last name, first name, professional email address, link to professional pages.

This information is collected for the purpose of attributing the data to their producers. It is kept for the life of the file

In accordance with the law "informatique et libertés" of January 6, 1978 modified in 2018, any person registered on the portal :
  • Has a right to access and rectify information concerning him or her, which he or she may exercise by sending a written request to the President of COMUE UBFC, 32 avenue de l'observatoire, 25000 Besançon, France.
  • May, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning them

To exercise this right, please contact the portal webmaster.

Rights of data subjects :
  • the right of access (right to obtain communication of the processed data and the characteristics of the processing);
  • the right to rectification (right to request the correction of inaccurate and/or incomplete information);
  • the right to erasure (the right to ask for the erasure of one's data when their conservation is no longer justified);
  • the right to restrict processing (right to request the suspension of processing);
  • for mailing lists used in the election campaign, the right to object and to be removed from the lists.
To exercise any of these rights, any data subject may contact the data protection officer appointed by the organization at the following address :

Université Bourgogne - Franche-Comté,

32, avenue de l'Observatoire - 25000 BESANCON

If this contact remains unsatisfactory for the person concerned, he or she is reminded that he or she may submit a complaint to the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL) :

3 place de Fontenoy

TSA 80715

74334 Paris Cedex 07

01 53 73 22 22

Non-responsibility clause

he COMUE cannot be held responsible in any way for the content of the information on this site or for the consequences that may result from its use or interpretation.

Setting up of hypertext links

we hereby inform you that dat@UBFC authorizes any website or other medium to quote or set up a hypertext link to pages or information published on this portal, provided that the links do not contravene the interests of COMUE UBFC and its institutions and that they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the origin and author of the document.

Our team reserves the right to object to this authorization.

Use of dat@UBFC data

if access to dat@UBFC data has been useful for your research, the following acknowledgement would be appreciated : This research was conducted using data and/or metadata available on the dat@UBFC portal, France.


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers