François Gillet

Main affiliation : Laboratoire Chrono-environnement (UMR 6249) (Université de Franche-Comté)

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Secondary and inactive affiliations
  • Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Franche-Comté)
3 results

Vegetation of dairy cattle pastures in the Jura Mountains

Collected date : from 24 May 2017 to 11 Jul 2017
Creators : François Gillet

Vegetation plot records in 45 pastures grazed by dairy cows: 45 plots and 225 quadrats. Survey from the IFEP research project funded by CIGC and carried out by CBNFC.

Grassland vegetation monitoring in the French Jura Mountains

Collected date : from May 1990 to Jun 2012
Creators : François Gillet

Plot-based vegetation survey. Diachronic observations of the grassland plant communities in the Franche-Comté region.

Permanent grasslands of the French Jura Mountains (synchronic study BioGEcoP)

Collected date : from Mar 2012 to Oct 2013

Vegetation, orthopteran communities, soil and landuse descriptors of 48 mesic grasslands in the French Jura Mountains.

3 results


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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers