Emilie Gauthier
Main affiliation : Laboratoire Chrono-environnement (UMR 6249) (Université de Franche-Comté)
Website : https://chrono-environnement.univ-fcomte.fr/spip.php?page=perso&nom=GAUTHIER&prenom=Emilie
- Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Franche-Comté)

Pollen analyses - Chavéria (F-39), Les Monteillers, Tumulus 2
Pollen analysis of 4 samples in the heart of the tumulus 2 in the hallstattien necropolis of Montilliers in Chavéria. Very poor in spores and pollen.

Pollen analysis - Le Locle (NE, CH), Col des Roches (Projet H20)
The archaeological surveys carried out on the Le Locle bypass road have made it possible to make several test borring in the upper part of the fill of the area located south of the city, between the city and the Col des Roches, in the Marais des Calame and Marais de la Molière. Two sections were ...

Pollen analysis - Auneau (F-28), 1996 : Le Parc du Château, forage A10
Natural site: drilling. 71 palynological samples + 4 radiocarbon datings (one is wrong, too recent). Malacological studies by Nicole Limondin (1997).

Pollen analysis - Oude Ijsselstreek (Wieken) (Pays-Bas, Gueldre), Shriek
Natural site, drilling. 12 palynological samples. Other samples were analyzed by Emilie Gauthier (Chrono-environnement).

Pollen analysis - Wingersheim-les-Quatre-Bans - Mittelhausen (F-67), Ungerbruchgraben
Natural site: drilling at the edge of a creek (Unterbruchgraben), along the TGV line. 53 palynological samples + 5 radiocarbon datings. Palynological data accompanied by plant remains (J. Wiethold, INRAP).

Pollen analysis - Les Avenières (F-38), L'Eau morte ou Eaux-mortes
Natural site: drilling in an ancient meander of the Rhône river. 24 palynological samples by M. Boucheron; site included and completed in the HDR of Emilie Gauthier (2012).

Pollen analysis - Brangues (F-38), Les Aymes
Natural site: drilling in an ancient meander (motorised 'russian' core). 42 palynological samples + 2 radiocabon datings.

Pollen analysis - Frasne (F-25), Tourbière de Fortbonnet
Natural site. Peat bog. 109 palynological samples + 13 radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Moras (F-38), Tourbière nord-ouest du lac
Natural site: peat bog located at the north-west Moras Lake. Russian (GIK) coring dril. 28 palynological samples + 3 datings 14C. Very beautiful Boreal sequence (several meters). Great wealth in taxa (61 different taxa for the 28 levels analyzed). It was then re-started by Emilie Gauthier and in ...

Pollen analysis - Prunay-Belleville (F-51), Voie de Baconnes/les Marquises
Archaeological excavation. Only one palynological sample. Positive but with some bad conservation problems.

Pollen analysis - Vix (F-21), En-la-Laune
Natural site: drilling. 27 palynological samples + 6 radiocarbon datings. To publish in its entirety.

Pollen analysis - Chambéry (F-73), Les Halles
Urban archaeological excavation. Only one palynological sample. Exceptional taxonomic diversity: more than 60 taxa. Of which 900 pollen grains of Castanea (chesnut).

Pollen analysis - Mondelange (F-57), rue de Metz
4 palynological samples from two Roman wells.

Pollen analysis - Rochefort (Suisse, Neuchâtel), Cotencher Cave
10 palynological samples taken from lower levels (older than 72,000 years). Partly sterile or very corrosive. Interesting presence of hornbeam (Carpinus) mixed with steppics in a sample.

Pollen analysis - Molesme (F-21), Marais de l'Abîme
Natural site, swamp. 77 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Montperreux (St Point) (F-25), Lac de Saint Point (SP05)
Natural site; lacustrine drilling. 153 palynological samples + 19 radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Chaffois (F-25), Les Barbouillons
Natural site, peat bog. 77 palynological samples.

Pollen analyses and vegetation relevés - Saint-Point (F-25)
Pollen analyses conducted in 2009 and 2010 from 18 moss and 15 dung samples recovered in 2009 at 18 different locations around the Saint-Point and Remoray Lakes. Also, vegetation relevés from the 18 locations.