Translations : epidemiology, épidémiologie
Frame of reference : General multilingual Environnmental Thesaurus identified by 2949

Execution times and results of instances of an FPMAS epidemiological model
This dataset contains fpmas-virus (https://github.com/FPMAS/fpmas-virus) execution times and model results obtained with the FPMAS platform (https://github.com/FPMAS/) in the context of the Paul Breugnot's Ph.D. thesis (Distribution and synchronisation of Multi-Agent System simulations).

Noise map Besançon 2008
Urban noise (road traffic, train traffic, pedestrian area, springs)

Genotypic and phenotypic evolution of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST395 strain during 11-year in hospital spread.
P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen responsible of hospital-acquired infections in immunocompromised patients. Although in-host evolution of P. aeruginosa is well documented, little is known about this pathogen evolution during its spread on a hospital scale. The high-risk multidrug resistant ...

Mass screening for Alveolar echinococcosis in south Gansu, China
Data related to human population screening and dog surveys carried out in 1996-97, 2005-6 and in 2014/15 in South Gansu, China

DNA Library - CNR Echinococcoses
DNA Library is a database associated to a web interface, created to improve the storage and the life of a biological sample collection, closely related to the research activities of the National Reference Center for Echinococcosis (CNR Echinococcoses, University Hospital of Besançon, France). A ...

EWET : EmsB Website for Echinococcus Typing
The EWET database (EWET-DB) contains genotyping data on the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis, obtained after the analysis of the microsatellite EmsB. A set of information is also avaible on the sampled parasite isolates (host, geographical position, sampling conditions, laboratory of reference, ...

Echinococcus multilocularis in red fox in Franche-Comte, France
Provides data on Echinococcus multilocularis adult worms in red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Franche-Comté administrative region, eastern France. Foxes (n=615) were night shot from october to april, from winter 1996-1997 to winter 1999-2000. Parasite worm burden was quantified using sedimentation and ...