PEA²t : Plateforme technologique d'étude des Environnements Anciens et Actuels

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Country : France (FRA)

8 results

Glyphosate-AMPA-Glufosinate Hair Small Mammals

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2018 to 7 Jan 2021
Creators : Clémentine Fritsch

Concentrations of the compounds glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate measured in hair samples collected from free-ranging rodents and shrews captured across a French agroecosystem.

Aspergillus fumigatus in cereal crops

Collected date : from Oct 2019 to May 2021

Triazole fungicides are widely used to treat fungal pathogens in field crops, but very few studies have investigated whether fields of these crops constitute hotspots of azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus. Soil samples were collected from 22 fields in two regions of eastern France and ...

Physico-chemical parameters and isotopic signatures of the waters of the Forbonnet peatland

pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, redox potential, major elements concentration, and isotope analyses (87Sr/86Sr ratio, 13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon, 18O and 2H of the water molecule) of waters sampled at the Forbonnet peatland. All the methods of acquisition and laboratory ...

Physicochemical characteristics of water and sediment - floodplains of the Ain, Doubs and Loue Rivers - 2015-2016

Collected date : from Apr 2015 to Mar 2016

19 sites (16 wetlands and 3 rivers) with different physicochemical characteristics and distributed along three rivers (Ain, Doubs, and Loue) were sampled. The physicochemical characteristics of the wetlands were measured in situ or after laboratory analysis.

Physicochemical characteristics of water and sediment - Ain River floodplain - 2019-2020

34 sites (16 wetland sites, 15 river sites, and 3 groundwaters) distributed along the Ain River with different physicochemical characteristics were sampled. The physicochemical characteristics of the wetlands were measured in situ or after laboratory analysis.

Wetland functionning and functional traits of Nuphar lutea - 2015-2016

Disciplines : ecology plant sciences
Collected date : from Apr 2015 to Mar 2016

Eleven populations of Nuphar lutea were sampled in eleven wetlands differing in physicochemical characteristics and spread along three rivers (the Ain, the Doubs and the Loue Rivers). Fifteen traits, grouped into four sets (growth, reproduction, storage and defence), were measured during the growing ...

Majors, traces elements and strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) of Cretaceous limestone and Quaternary marl - Jura Mountains

Majors, traces elements and 87Sr/86Sr ratio of Cretaceous limestone (Hauterivien) and Quaternary marls (two samples). The limestone was sampled in the Frasne-Bouverans syncline at proximity of the Forbonnet pealtand (Complexe tourbeux de Frasne-Bouverans). The marl was sampled in the underlying ...

Strontium isotopic ratio (87Sr/86Sr) of waters from the Forbonnet peatland - Jura Mountains

Collected date : from 21 Jul 2020 to 24 Feb 2021

Strontium isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) ratio of waters samples from the Forbonnet peatland (Frasne-Bouverans peatland complex). 53 sampled represent low and high flow conditions and also a wide spatial cover through horizontal and vertical sampling across the peatland. One sample represent the upstream ...

8 results


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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers