Translations : pollen
Frame of reference : General multilingual Environnmental Thesaurus identified by 6392

Pollen analysis - Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur (F-21), ZAC Excellence 2000 (INRAP)
Archaeological site: INRAP excavations. 2 palynological samples. Approximate geographical coordinates.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Laurent-en-Grandvaux (F-39), Le Coin d'Amont
Natural site: peat bog. 24 palynological samples. RN5 detour road to the northeast of the town.

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain (current sampling)
Pollen current samplings (moss). 24 palynological samples. Photos with the line transects of samplings and the environmental conditions of the west side of the lac de Chalain in 1995 (particulary the two neolithic houses reconstitutions). Undeveloped results.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Station III Coprolithes (coprolites)
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 6 palynological samples

Pollen analysis - Besançon (F-25), Gare de la Mouillère (ZAC)
Archaeological excavations and drillings. 22 palynological samples. Report (1p.) sent to SRA Franche-Comté, on the 09/12/2000.

Pollen analysis - Villemotier (F-01), A39 : La Griffonnière, P28-S1
Natural site. Drilling. 40 palynological samples + 2 radiocabon datings. Often poor conservation. The two radiocarbon datings are in the biginnig of the Subatlantic pollen zone.

Pollen analysis - Yutz (F-57), Route de Thionville, zone II, Yutz 1989
Archaeological excavation. 12 palynological samples. Sampling in an ancient meander. Up to 37 % of cereals pollen grains.

Pollen analysis - Vix (F-21), En-la-Laune
Natural site: drilling. 27 palynological samples + 6 radiocarbon datings. To publish in its entirety.

Pollen analysis - Pierre-de-Bresse (F-71), Le Châtelet
Natural site: meadow near an archaeological site. 10 palynological samples. Nearly sterile samples.

Pollen analysis - Pierre-de-Bresse (F-71), Au Meulat (Pré Jeandon)
Natural site near tumulus. 6 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. Poor. 2 acceptable samples.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Girod (F-73), Argiles d'Albens (Les Epinettes ?)
Natural site: section. 6 palynological samples. Top of the section in the "argiles d'Albens" (Albens clays)

Pollen analysis - Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay (F-89), Les Fontaines Salées (salt springs)
Archaeological excavation. 2 palynological samples; one very rich.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Léger-près-Troyes (F-10), La Planche (?)
Archaeological excavation. 6 palynological samples. Only one just positive sample.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Marcel (F-36), Argentomagus
Archaeological excavation. 10 palynological samples. Nearly sterile.

Pollen analysis - Moriez (F-04)
Natural site, drilling. 6 palynological samples. Very bad conservation. Approximate geographical coordinates (village center).

Pollen analysis - Goin (F-57), ARL 89 (Aéroport Régional de Lorraine)
Archaeological digs. 40 palynological samples. Lorraine airport site: in fact on three municipalities (Goin, Vigny, Liéhon): geographical coordinates on the main building of this airport (municipality of Goin). 6 positive samples.

Pollen analysis - Juvigny (F-51), Plaine alluviale-Les Grands Prés
Gallo-Roman archaeological site. 4 palynological samples. Poor.

Pollen analysis - Domrémy-la-Pucelle (F-88), Doline
Natural site: geological section in a doline. 3 palynological samples. Negative.

Pollen analysis - Cosne-sur-Loire (F-58), Rue Waldeck Rousseau
Archaeological site : urban excavations. 4 palynological samples. Poor.

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain, station 3 (7,50 m)
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 135 palynological samples. Drilling of 7.50 m. 2 radiocabon datings on the oldest human impacts + archaeological dating (cultural phases) and dendrochronological dating on the neolithic levels crossed by this drilling.

Pollen analysis - Kairouan (Tunisie, gouvernorat de Kairouan), Ṣabra al-Manṣūriya (Sabra)
Archaeological excavations. 18 palynological samples. Pollen not very well preserved, some acceptable samples.

Pollen analysis - Cieux (F-87), Le Gué d'Arnac
Section in an archaeological site. 4 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. Very bad conservation. Poor samples.

Pollen analysis - Pierrefitte-sur-Sauldre (F-41), Le Tertre Gaillard
Archaeological excavation. 4 palynological samples: positive. Very forest results: 38% Tilia pollen.

Pollen analysis - Semécourt (F-57), Auchan
Archaeological excavation. Gallo-Roman rural site; well. 11 palynological samples. Negative or nearly.

Pollen analysis - Manom (F-57), Paléochenal Néolithique ancien
Archaeological excavation. 2 sterile samples. Approximate geographical coordinates.