Digitized inventory of the French peatlands of 1949
Digitized data from the French peatland inventory ("Les tourbières françaises", Ministry of Industry and Trade, 1949). This national inventory was carried out in order to estimate the stock of peat in metropolitan France and to facilitate its exploitation, essentially for fuel purposes. Thus, a ...

Physico-chemical parameters and isotopic signatures of the waters of the Forbonnet peatland
pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, redox potential, major elements concentration, and isotope analyses (87Sr/86Sr ratio, 13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon, 18O and 2H of the water molecule) of waters sampled at the Forbonnet peatland. All the methods of acquisition and laboratory ...

Strontium isotopic ratio (87Sr/86Sr) of waters from the Forbonnet peatland - Jura Mountains
Strontium isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) ratio of waters samples from the Forbonnet peatland (Frasne-Bouverans peatland complex). 53 sampled represent low and high flow conditions and also a wide spatial cover through horizontal and vertical sampling across the peatland. One sample represent the upstream ...

Meteorological monitoring on Forbonnet peatland
Chrono-Environnement laboratory is responsible for the meteorological monitoring of an experimental station on the Frasne peatland (Tourbières du Forbonnet, Doubs) since November 2008. The meteorological parameters (temperature and humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction , groundwater level, ...