Water chemistry
Translations : water chemistry, chimie de l'eau
Frame of reference : Environmental Thesaurus identified by USLterCV_619

The role of groundwater-surface water relations in disturbing lake ecosystems: the case of the Rémoray Lake Natural Reserve (Jura, France)
Multidisciplinary geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical approach to characterize water flows in order to delimit the hydrogeological BV of Lac de Rémoray (25). Artificial tracing.

Physicochemical and bacteriological characteristics of water - Arcier watershed - 2020-2022
Physical characteristics, major ions, minor ions, trace elements measured from May 2020 to February 2022 in five sites of the Arcier karst watershed (Doubs, France), as well as at the Arcier spring. These measurements were complemented by the acquisition of extended spectrum beta-lactamase ...

Geochemical data on rainfall and groundwater at Douala (Cameroon)
Stable isotopes (oxygen-18 and deuterium) data on rainfall at monthly and daily scales at Douala. Concerning groundwater, there is two sets of data: one on water stable isotopes (oxygen-18 and deuterium) and another one on major ion chemistry.

Gourdans-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Gourdans

Planet-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Planet

Brotteaux-Ain river-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Brotteaux

Port-Galland-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Port-Galland

Sous Bresse-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Sous Bresse

Puit-Novets-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Puit-Novets