461 results

Aspergillus fumigatus in cereal crops

Collected date : from Oct 2019 to May 2021

Triazole fungicides are widely used to treat fungal pathogens in field crops, but very few studies have investigated whether fields of these crops constitute hotspots of azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus. Soil samples were collected from 22 fields in two regions of eastern France and ...

Al-Mg datation anorthite chondrules in UOCs

Data for Al-Mg dating in anorthite chondrules from Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites from the paper of Siron et al. (2021), "New constraints from 26Al-26Mg chronology of anorthite bearing chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites".

Carbonate dissolution by euendolithe cyanobacterium

Collected date : from 18 May 2021 to 18 Jun 2022
Creators : Irina Bundeleva

Bioerosion is the process of destruction of rocks by living organisms. The bioerosion of biogenic carbonates by so-called "euendolithic" cyanobacteria (which live in rocks) is a major but poorly quantified process, causing, among other things, the disintegration of coral reefs. Euendolitic ...

Data set : High-Pressure Ca metasomatism of metabasites (Monte Avic, Western Alps)

Collected date : from Oct 2020 to Oct 2023
Creators : Kilian Lecacheur

The petrological data set associated with the paper "High-Pressure Ca metasomatism of metabasites (Monte Avic, Western Alps): Insights into Fluid-Rock Interaction During Subduction", published in EJM, provides the necessary information to recreate the plots and the thermodynamic modelling.

The 10 parsec sample

Disciplines : astronomy & astrophysics
Collected date : from 25 Jul 2014 ongoing
Creators : Céline Reylé

Revised census of the 10 parsecs sample. The catalogue contains 540 stars, brown dwarfs, and exoplanets in 339 systems, within 10 pc from the Sun. This list is as volume-complete as possible from current knowledge and it provides benchmark stars that can be used, for instance, to define calibration ...

Digitized inventory of the French peatlands of 1949

Digitized data from the French peatland inventory ("Les tourbières françaises", Ministry of Industry and Trade, 1949). This national inventory was carried out in order to estimate the stock of peat in metropolitan France and to facilitate its exploitation, essentially for fuel purposes. Thus, a ...

Gaia Data Release 3

Disciplines : astronomy & astrophysics
Collected date : from 25 Jul 2014 to 28 May 2017
Creators : DPAC Céline Reylé

Gaia is a cornerstone mission in the science programme of the European Space Agency (ESA). The spacecraft construction was approved in 2006. Both the spacecraft and the payload were built by European industry. The involvement of the scientific community focusses on data processing for which the ...

Gaia early Data Release 3

Disciplines : astronomy & astrophysics
Collected date : from 25 Jul 2014 to 28 May 2017
Creators : DPAC Céline Reylé

Gaia is a cornerstone mission in the science programme of the European Space Agency (ESA). The spacecraft construction was approved in 2006. Both the spacecraft and the payload were built by European industry. The involvement of the scientific community focusses on data processing for which the ...

Gaia Data Release 2

Disciplines : astronomy & astrophysics
Collected date : from 25 Jul 2014 to 23 May 2016
Creators : DPAC Céline Reylé

Gaia is a cornerstone mission in the science programme of the European Space Agency (ESA). The spacecraft construction was approved in 2006,. Both the spacecraft and the payload were built by European industry. The involvement of the scientific community focusses on data processing for which the ...

Gaia Data Release 1

Disciplines : astronomy & astrophysics
Collected date : 2014
Creators : DPAC Céline Reylé

Gaia is a cornerstone mission in the science programme of the European Space Agency (ESA). The spacecraft construction was approved in 2006, following a study in which the original interferometric concept was changed to a direct-imaging approach. Both the spacecraft and the payload were built by ...

Clearcutting and landscape - Morvan 2023

Collected date : from 1 Jun 2023 to 20 Nov 2023

M2 internship (June-November 2023) on the perception of forest landscapes in the Morvan, France. More specifically, the aim is to combine modelling and a photographic survey to discuss the (non)acceptability of clearcutting and its integration into the landscape, while testing the possibilities of ...

Physico-chemical parameters and isotopic signatures of the waters of the Forbonnet peatland

pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, redox potential, major elements concentration, and isotope analyses (87Sr/86Sr ratio, 13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon, 18O and 2H of the water molecule) of waters sampled at the Forbonnet peatland. All the methods of acquisition and laboratory ...

Spatial and temporal variability of pelagic and benthic organic matter composition in lake

Collected date : from Mar 2018 ongoing

As part of the QUALILAC project (Influence of the watershed on the functioning of lakes: importance of nutritional quality for couplings between benthic and pelagic environments), monitoring of the origin, quantity and quality of organic matter (OM) available at the water column and benthic level ...

Glaciological data Austre Lovén Svalbard

Collected date : from Oct 2008 ongoing
Creators : Eric Bernard

These data are measured in High Arctic over an observatory basin, located at 79°N on the W coast of Svalbard. Austre Lovén is a small 4.5 km² polythermal glacier in constant decline since the end of the LIA. The surrounding catchment is no more than 10 km² and exhibits a significant periglacial area ...

Pollen analysis - La Cluse-et-Mijoux (F-25), La Cluse

Collected date : from Aug 2021 ongoing
Creators : Hervé Richard

Pollen tests in a white clay fill on the right bank of the Doubs. Two samples: 40 and 75 cm deep.

Pollen analysis - Vatteville-la-Rue (F-76), Mare de la Pelouse, Forêt de Brotonne

Collected date : from May 2020 ongoing
Creators : Hervé Richard

Eight pollen tests carried out on a borehole about one metre deep from a peat bog in the Brotonne forest. Samples very rich in pollen and spores. Last two millennia (Middle Ages?).

Chavéria (F-39), Les Monteillers, Tumulus 2

Collected date : from 1999 ongoing

Pollen analysis of 4 samples in the heart of the tumulus 2 in the hallstattien necropolis of Montilliers in Chavéria. Very poor in spores and pollen.

Numerical modelling of the impact of the structural anisotropy on the thermal diffusivity

Collected date : from 2018 to 2021

Numerical modelling of the impact of the structural anisotropy on the thermal diffusivity using 1D and 2D codes.

Raman spectrometry on Carbonaceous Material (RSCM) thermometry - Aiguilles Rouges massif

Collected date : from 2018 to 2021

RSCM analyses on metamorphic rocks from the Servoz syncline.

Structural data - Aiguilles Rouges - Mont-Blanc massifs

Collected date : from 2018 to 2021

Field-work structural data (foliations, schistosities and lineations).

Geochemical data - Aiguilles Rouges - Mont-Blanc massifs

Collected date : from 2018 to 2021

Contents of major and trace elements and of Rare Earth elements from whole rocks and minerals.

Geochronological data - Aiguilles Rouges - Mont-Blanc massifs

Collected date : from 2018 to 2021

LA-ICPMS U-Th-Pb analyses on zircon and monazite from the Aiguilles Rouges - Mont-Blanc massifs.

Geochronological data - Agly massif

Collected date : from 2016 to 2019

LA-ICPMS U-Th-Pb analyses on zircon and monazite from the Agly massif.

Structural data - Agly massif

Collected date : from 2016 to 2019

Structural database of foliations, schistosities and lineations of variscan ductile structures of the Agly massif.

Physicochemical characteristics of water and sediment - floodplains of the Ain, Doubs and Loue Rivers - 2015-2016

Collected date : from Apr 2015 to Mar 2016

19 sites (16 wetlands and 3 rivers) with different physicochemical characteristics and distributed along three rivers (Ain, Doubs, and Loue) were sampled. The physicochemical characteristics of the wetlands were measured in situ or after laboratory analysis.

461 results

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dat@uFC is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers