Peggy Birringer
Main affiliation : Laboratoire Chrono-Écologie (ex Chrono-environnement) (Université de Franche-Comté)

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain, station 19 (CL 100 and CK 105)
Collected date : 2002
Creators :
Hervé Richard
Peggy Birringer
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 36 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Larnaca (Chypre, District de Larnaca), Salt Lake
Collected date : 2003
Creators :
Peggy Birringer
Hervé Richard
Natural site. Drillings. 7 palynological samples, difficult to read. The rest of the samples were not analysed in Besançon.