Hubert Razik

Main affiliation : Laboratoire Ampère

Secondary and inactive affiliations
  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Université de Lyon
3 results

LASPI: Detection and diagnostics of gearbox faults

Dataset of current, voltage, and vibration measurements of an electromechanical driving system. The system is a three-phase asynchronous motor that drives a gearbox. The gearbox is composed of bearings and gears that are susceptible to fail. Seven experiments corresponding to different states of ...

AMPERE: Detection and diagnostics of rotor and stator faults in rotating machines

Dataset of speed, current, voltage and vibration measurements of an electromechanical drive system. The system is a three-phase asynchronous motor. It is composed of an aging bearing and a squirrel cage rotor with defects (broken bars). In addition, unbalanced power supply faults are investigated. ...

METALLICADOUR: Detection and diagnostics of multi-axis robot faults

Dataset of position, current, vibration, force, and torque measurements of an electromechanical drive system. The system is a multi-axes robot that contains a three-phase asynchronous motor. This latter motor drives a cutting tool for machining aluminum parts. It studies different states of health ...

3 results


dat@uFC is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers