Agnès Vérot-Bourrély
Main affiliation : Institut National de Recherche en Archéologie Préventive

Pollen analysis - Montréal-la-Cluse (F-01), A404 derrière la côte du château
Collected date : 1996
Creators :
Hervé Richard
Archaeological site: sections during the construction of the A404 motorway. 17 palynological samples. Analysis made on multiple sections.

Pollen analysis - Annecy (F-74), Av. Marévia, Presqu'île d'Albigny, sondage 11
Collected date : 2016
Creators :
Hervé Richard
Archaeological site: sections border on the lake. 11 palynological samples, only one positive (Boreal period).

Pollen analysis - Chambéry (F-73), Les Halles
Collected date : 2008
Creators :
Hervé Richard
Emilie Gauthier
Urban archaeological excavation. Only one palynological sample. Exceptional taxonomic diversity: more than 60 taxa. Of which 900 pollen grains of Castanea (chesnut).