Spatial and temporal variability of pelagic and benthic organic matter composition in lake (2019)

Data creators : Valentin Essert [1] [2], Hélène Masclaux [1] [2], Laurent Millet [1] [2]
Data collector : Christophe Loup [1] [2]
Project member : Valérie Verneaux [1] [2]
[1] : Laboratoire Chrono-environnement (UMR 6249) (Université de Franche-Comté)
[2] : Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Franche-Comté)
Description :
As part of the QUALILAC project (Influence of the watershed on the functioning of lakes: importance of nutritional quality for couplings between benthic and pelagic environments), monitoring of the origin, quantity and quality of organic matter (OM) available at the water column and benthic level was carried out on Remoray, Bonlieu, Retournemer and Longemer lakes at 2 or 3 points in their deep zone (monthly monitoring for the water column, quarterly monitoring in sediment traps at the benthic level).
The origin of the MO is evaluated using C/N ratios and the isotopic signature of the carbon (δ13C). The amount of MO is estimated by measuring the organic carbon content. Finally, the quality of the OM is estimated using C/N/P ratios and the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Measurements of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration were also taken monthly along the water column in the deep zone of each lake.
This work should allow us to see if there is seasonal variability in the composition of OM at the water column and sediment level, and to see to what extent the quality of OM at the sediment level is influenced by the quality of the OM in the water column.
We will also be able to evaluate the relevance of the use of certain sedimentary markers (e.g., carbon isotopic signature) in studying the current and past functioning of lakes.
Disciplines :
ecology (applied biology - ecology), physics, atomic, molecular & chemical (physics), environmental sciences (sciences of the universe), limnology (sciences of the universe)
Access details :
To access the data, please contact the scientific data manager.

General metadata

Data acquisition date : from Mar 2018 ongoing
Data acquisition methods :
  • Observational data :
    Suivi mensuel :
    Physico-chimie de la colonne d'eau (pH, température, oxygène dissous, Corg, C/N/P)
    Signature isotopique du carbone (δ13C) du seston
    Composition lipidique du seston

    Suivi trimestriel :
    Signature isotopique du carbone (δ13C) de la MO benthique
    Composition lipidique de la MO benthique
Update periodicity : no update
Language : English (eng)
Formats : application/, application/x-shapefile
Audience : University: licence, University: master, Research, Policy maker


Spatial coverage :

  • Lac de Remoray: latitude between 46° 46' 47" N and 46° 45' 44" N, longitude between 6° 15' 23" E and 6° 16' 34" E
  • Lac de Bonlieu: latitude between 46° 35' 23" N and 46° 34' 59" N, longitude between 5° 52' 9" E and 5° 52' 38" E
  • Lac de Longemer: latitude between 48° 4' 46" N and 48° 3' 45" N, longitude between 6° 56' 26" E and 6° 57' 38" E
  • Lac de Retournemer: latitude between 48° 3' 33" N and 48° 3' 21" N, longitude between 6° 58' 52" E and 6° 59' 10" E

Time coverage :

Taxonomic coverage :

  • Analyses isotopiques sur macroinvertébrés et zooplancton
    Oligochaeta COL (Oligochaete), Copepoda COL (Copepod)
    Chironomidae COL (Chironomid)
    Daphnia COL (Daphnia)
Publications :
  • Sources et voies de transfert du carbone dans les réseaux trophiques pélagiques lacustres d'après l'analyse des signatures isotopiques du carbone des daphnies et de leurs restes subfossiles, une approche combinée néo- et paléolimnologique. (
Collection :
Project and funders :
    • Amorçage 2018 (Region Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
    • SRO 2019 (OSU)
    • ZAAJ 2019 (Zone atelier (ZA))
Additional information :
Données collectées dans le cadre de la thèse de Valentin Essert co-encadrée par Laurent Millet (DR HDR en Paléolimnologie à Chrono-Environnement) et Hélène Masclaux (MCU en Limnologie à Chrono-Environnement)

DOI and links



Valentin Essert, Hélène Masclaux, Laurent Millet (2019): Spatial and temporal variability of pelagic and benthic organic matter composition in lake. Chrono-environnement. doi:10.25666/DATAUBFC-2019-05-09

Record created 9 May 2019 by Hélène Masclaux.
Last modification : 17 Aug 2023.
Local identifier: FR-18008901306731-2019-05-09.


dat@uFC is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers