dataUBFC : dataUBFC - Atelier de la donnée de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Structure's type : other
Country : France (FRA)
17 results

Bronze Age solid-hilted swords

Disciplines : archaeology
Collected date : from 1 Sep 2015 to 2 Jul 2022
Creators : Léonard Dumont

Inventory of European Bronze Age solid-hilted swords. The dataset provides information regarding the provenance, context, typology and production techniques of the investigated swords.

Physical, chemical and molecular description of soil samples from mont Beuvray (Morvan)

Collected date : from 9 May 2022 to 31 Jul 2024

Characterisation data for 48 soil samples sampled on Mont Beuvray from 4 forest species (beech, spruce, Douglas fir and silver fir). The data includes a dendrometric description of the sampling locations, a physical and chemical description of the samples and the identification and quantification of ...

3D Model Fossil Chaetetid

Collected date : 24 May 2018

Photogrammetry-generated 3D model of a fossil Chaetetid sponge, specimen UBGD 030499, used as supplementary data in the manuscript Olivier et al. ("Presumed chaetetids in Smithian sponge-microbial limestones, Early Triassic, Rock Canyon, Arizona, USA").

Ecological commitment and aspirations - Interviews with residents of the Dijon metropolitan area

Disciplines : sociology urban studies
Collected date : from 18 Mar 2024 to 2 May 2024
Creators : Annabelle Mauhar

As part of the POPSU Transition Métropole research program, interviews were conducted with residents of the Dijon metropolis to gain a better understanding of their life paths, their ecological commitment and their aspirations for the future. An initial exploratory phase was carried out during the ...

BioRISC: Biogeography and Resilience of Intertidal Southern Ocean Communities

Collected date : from 27 Feb 2019 ongoing
Creators : Quentin Jossart

The intertidal zone (seashore) is a critical environment at the interface of marine and terrestrial habitats, where inter-linked environmental and anthropogenic stressors occur. In polar regions, especially in the Southern Ocean, biological communities living in the intertidal zone remain largely ...

Raman spectra of extracellular vesicles derived from HMEC-1 cells exposed or not to B[a]P (2024)

Disciplines : cell biology spectroscopy
Collected date : from Apr 2023 to Jun 2023
Creators : Benjamin Brunel

Raman spectra (693) of extracellular vesicles derived from HMEC-1 cells exposed or not to Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P). Data were collected with a Raman microscope on 2 samples exposed to B[a]P and 3 samples control, and preprocessed (baseline correction, normalization). Further details can be found in a ...

Characterization of cyanide-responsive fluorogenic probes

Collected date : from Oct 2022 ongoing

Raw spectroscopic data (IR, NMR, mass spectrometry and UV-visible) and RP-HPLC elution profiles of all compounds described in this study. Raw fluorescence data and RP-HPLC-fluorescence/-MS elution profiles related to fluorogenic activation of probes by cyanide ions.

Sample depth (m), TOC (wt. %, whole rock), TN (ppm, wholerock), TOC/TN, δ13Corg (‰ vs. PDB), and δ15Nbulk (‰ vs. air), for samples analyzed along the GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil).

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2020 to 1 Jan 2023
Creators : Christophe Thomazo

Nitrogen and Carbon isotope data from the Neoarchean GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil)

PROTEKER: a near-shore submarine observatory in the Kerguelen Islands for the long-term monitoring of benthic habitats

Collected date : from Nov 2011 ongoing
Creators : Thomas Saucède

PROTEKER is a pilot program that aims at establishing a baseline for assessing the impact of climate change on near-shore marine ecosystems of the Kerguelen Islands by implementing an ecological and genetic monitoring at reference sites. The high diversity of coastal marine ecosystems is usually ...

Weather types around the Kerguelen Islands (south of the Indian Ocean)

Collected date : from 2021 ongoing

Daily weather regimes are defined around the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) on the basis of daily 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies derived from the ERA5 ensemble reanalysis over the period 1979-2018. Ten regimes are retained as significant. Their occurrences are highly consistent across ...

Descriptors monitoring atmospheric centers of action of weather patterns around Aotearoa New Zealand

Collected date : from 2021 ongoing

Here we introduce a set of descriptors applied to weather regimes that allow for a detailed monitoring of the location and intensity of their atmospheric centers of action (e.g., troughs and ridges) and the gradients between them, when applicable. Descriptors are designed to document the effect of ...

Seriality in material culture by Geometric Morphometrics

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2000 to 1 Jan 2024

Geometric Morphometrics of gold wild boar discovered in the Arzhan-2 tomb, Tuva In the field of material culture, seriality refers to the serial production of nearly the same object in terms of shape and size, yielding visually identical artefacts. Subtle variations may nevertheless occur, ...

MEDUSA: Marine benthic Ecological Data from Underwater imagery Surveys of sub-Antarctic Crozet environments

Collected date : from 4 Nov 2021 to 24 Nov 2022
Creators : Yann Lelièvre

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, the sub-Antarctic Crozet archipelago is located in a region facing significant environmental changes impacting a poorly known marine biodiversity. Underwater imagery constitutes a valuable non-invasive approach for gathering ecological data and improving ...

UBFC-Phys : A Multimodal Dataset For Psychophysiological Studies Of Social Stress

The UBFC-Phys dataset is a public multimodal dataset dedicated to psychophysiological studies. It first aimed at physiological signal analysis during social stress. 56 participants followed a three-step experience that involved a rest task T1, a speech task T2 and an arithmetic task T3. During the ...

Ecuador's Pastaza province cocoa farmers interviews (in spanish)

Collected date : from Sep 2019 to Dec 2019
Creators : Angélica Cahuana

Audio interviews with cocoa farmers on their farms in Ecuador's Pastaza province about their relationship with cocoa and chocolate. Interviews conducted in Spanish by a native speaker, then transcribed.

Ecuador's Pastaza province cocoa farmers interviews (in kichwa)

Collected date : from Sep 2019 to Dec 2019
Creators : Angélica Cahuana

Audio interviews with cocoa farmers on their farms in Ecuador's Pastaza province about their relationship with cocoa and chocolate. Interviews conducted in Kichwa by a native speaker, then transcribed.

Fall Detection Dataset

Collected date : from 1 Sep 2013 ongoing

In order to evaluate automatic fall detection methods, we build a dataset in realistic videosurveillance setting using a single camera. The frame rate is 25 frames/s and the resolution is 320×240 pixels. The video data illustrates the main difficulties of realistic video sequences that we can find ...

17 results


dat@uB is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers