10 results

Bronze Age solid-hilted swords

Disciplines : archaeology
Collected date : from 1 Sep 2015 to 2 Jul 2022
Creators : Léonard Dumont

Inventory of European Bronze Age solid-hilted swords. The dataset provides information regarding the provenance, context, typology and production techniques of the investigated swords.

Chocolate producer interview (in spanish)

Collected date : from Sep 2019 to Dec 2019
Creators : Angélica Cahuana

Audio interviews with chocolate producer at the Quito chocolate fair and in their workplaces in Ecuador about their relationship with cocoa and chocolate. Interviews conducted in Spanish by a native speaker, then transcribed.

Chocolate aficionados questionnaire (in spanish)

Collected date : from Sep 2019 to Dec 2019
Creators : Angélica Cahuana

Questionnaires applied to chocolate aficionados at the Quito chocolate fair in Ecuador about their relationship with cocoa and chocolate. Questionnaires applied in spanish by a native speaker, then organized in plain text and compiled in a corpus.

Weather types around the Kerguelen Islands (south of the Indian Ocean)

Collected date : from 2021 ongoing

Daily weather regimes are defined around the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) on the basis of daily 500-hPa geopotential height anomalies derived from the ERA5 ensemble reanalysis over the period 1979-2018. Ten regimes are retained as significant. Their occurrences are highly consistent across ...

Descriptors monitoring atmospheric centers of action of weather patterns around Aotearoa New Zealand

Collected date : from 2021 ongoing

Here we introduce a set of descriptors applied to weather regimes that allow for a detailed monitoring of the location and intensity of their atmospheric centers of action (e.g., troughs and ridges) and the gradients between them, when applicable. Descriptors are designed to document the effect of ...

Seriality in material culture by Geometric Morphometrics

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2000 to 1 Jan 2024

Geometric Morphometrics of gold wild boar discovered in the Arzhan-2 tomb, Tuva In the field of material culture, seriality refers to the serial production of nearly the same object in terms of shape and size, yielding visually identical artefacts. Subtle variations may nevertheless occur, ...

Ecuador's Pastaza province cocoa farmers interviews (in spanish)

Collected date : from Sep 2019 to Dec 2019
Creators : Angélica Cahuana

Audio interviews with cocoa farmers on their farms in Ecuador's Pastaza province about their relationship with cocoa and chocolate. Interviews conducted in Spanish by a native speaker, then transcribed.

Ecuador's Pastaza province cocoa farmers interviews (in kichwa)

Collected date : from Sep 2019 to Dec 2019
Creators : Angélica Cahuana

Audio interviews with cocoa farmers on their farms in Ecuador's Pastaza province about their relationship with cocoa and chocolate. Interviews conducted in Kichwa by a native speaker, then transcribed.

Monthly mean interpolated climatic fields for Kenya

Collected date : 2012
Creators : Pierre Camberlin

Long-term mean monthly interpolated climatic data (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation amounts, parameters of Markov chains and gamma distribution for daily rainfall, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed) for Kenya (5.35°S to 4.32°N, 33.70°E to 41.95°E) at a resolution ...

Worldwide distribution of continental rock lithology

Collected date : from 1993 to 2003

Global map of the main rock types exposed on the continental areas (present day). This map has been constructed and digitized from synthetic lithological and soil maps published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO-UNESCO) for each continent, and from additional other sources. The ...

10 results


dat@uB is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers