Faunal and algal communities

Translations : faunal and algal communities, communautés fauniques et algales

2 results

BioRISC: Biogeography and Resilience of Intertidal Southern Ocean Communities

Collected date : from 27 Feb 2019 ongoing
Creators : Quentin Jossart

The intertidal zone (seashore) is a critical environment at the interface of marine and terrestrial habitats, where inter-linked environmental and anthropogenic stressors occur. In polar regions, especially in the Southern Ocean, biological communities living in the intertidal zone remain largely ...

MEDUSA: Marine benthic Ecological Data from Underwater imagery Surveys of sub-Antarctic Crozet environments

Collected date : from 4 Nov 2021 to 24 Nov 2022
Creators : Yann Lelièvre

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, the sub-Antarctic Crozet archipelago is located in a region facing significant environmental changes impacting a poorly known marine biodiversity. Underwater imagery constitutes a valuable non-invasive approach for gathering ecological data and improving ...

2 results


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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers