
Translations : limnology ; limnologie

Domain : sciences of the universe

7 results

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), La Vigne 2

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 22 palynological samples. From 3,90 to 18,85 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S4

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 6 palynological samples. From 10.20 to 13.20 meters. Atypical results. Extension of Morteau Stade et Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (Morteau-Montlebon) (F-25), Transects II-6, II-7 et III-7

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; wet meadow. 14 palynological samples. Approximate geographical coordinates: 3 transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S3

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 24 palynological samples. From 4.40 to 25,70 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Moulin Bournez

Collected date : 1991
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; weat meadow. 126 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 33,57 meters length drilling.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Transect S2

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; weat meadow. 16 palynological samples. Many drillings along a transect ligne: 6.0 to 12.45 meters length.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Transect S1

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; weat meadow. 18 palynological samples. Many drillings along a transect ligne: 4.20 to 12.30 meters length.

7 results



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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers