Yves Richard
Main affiliation : Laboratoire Biogéosciences (UMR 6282) (Université de Bourgogne)
Website : http://climatologie.u-bourgogne.fr/personnel/equipe-actuelle/101-yves-richard.html
- Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Bourgogne)
Mobile temperature measurements of air temperature in Dijon
Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration by bike (one measurement every 5m) to characterize the urban heat island at very high resolution along constant transects
Mesures urbaines de la température dans l’agglomération du Grand Dijon (MUSTARDijon)
Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration for high-resolution monitoring of the urban heat island (50 stations, record sampling every 20 minutes, period June 2014 onwards)
Hydrology, Climate Change, Adaptation, Water Resource in Burgundy (HYCCARE-Burgundy)
Dynamical climate downscaling is realized using the WRF Regional Climate Model at 48km and 12km resolution respectively for Burgundy region. Climate simulations are used to feed the hydrological model GR4J towards the simulation of water ressource trends for 13 watersheds. Climate simulation ...