Daniel Joly
Main affiliation : Théoriser et Modéliser pour Aménager (UMR 6049) (Université de Franche-Comté)

Downscaling CMIP5 climate projections over the Mont-Blanc Massif at a 200-m resolution
Disciplines :
environmental sciences
geosciences, multidisciplinary
meteorology & atmospheric sciences
Collected date : from Jan 2016 to Dec 2019
Statistical downscaling of outputs (daily minimum and maximum air temperature at 2-m) of 13 Earth System Models (simulations: HIST period 1950-2006; RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 period 2006-2100) at a 200-m resolution over and around the Mont-Blanc Massif (Western Europe, border between France and Italy and ...