Yves Richard

Main affiliation : Laboratoire Biogéosciences (UMR 6282) (Université de Bourgogne)

Contact :

Website : http://climatologie.u-bourgogne.fr/personnel/equipe-actuelle/101-yves-richard.html

Secondary and inactive affiliations
  • Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Bourgogne)
6 results

Mobile temperature measurements of air temperature in Dijon

Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration by bike (one measurement every 5m) to characterize the urban heat island at very high resolution along constant transects

Mesures urbaines de la température dans l’agglomération du Grand Dijon (MUSTARDijon)

Collected date : from Jun 2014 ongoing

Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration for high-resolution monitoring of the urban heat island (50 stations, record sampling every 20 minutes, period June 2014 onwards)

Climate projection over France (8 km resolution) CMIP5

The set of climate projections available corresponds to the GCM (Global Circulation Model) data from CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project; Taylor et al., 2012) used in the fifth IPCC report. A total of 23 GCMs from 16 different institutions were downloaded on the ESGF (Earth System Grid ...

Continuous regional climate change projection for France

Collected date : from 1 Jan 1980 to 31 Dec 2100

This data-set concerns the regionalization at 12km resolution of the two Radiative Pathways Projection RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 simulated by the CCSM4 Earth System Model. This dynamic downscaling experiment uses the ARW/WRF model version 3.8.1 run in climate mode. The simulation were conducted by the CRC ...

Hydrology, Climate Change, Adaptation, Water Resource in Burgundy (HYCCARE-Burgundy)

Collected date : from 1 Dec 2013 ongoing

Dynamical climate downscaling is realized using the WRF Regional Climate Model at 48km and 12km resolution respectively for Burgundy region. Climate simulations are used to feed the hydrological model GR4J towards the simulation of water ressource trends for 13 watersheds. Climate simulation ...

HydraVitis high spatial resolution hourly near ground air temperature data set, collected in a Burgundy (France) vineyard from 2014

Collected date : from 1 Apr 2014 ongoing

This database collects temperature data collected at a 15 minutes time step by thermal probes (HoBo Pendant) located at 60 cm from the ground, on simple upper radiation shelters. The network is located in a wine growing region in Burgundy, around Aloxe Corton (47°04' N ; 4°51' E). 45 sensors are ...

6 results


dat@uB is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers