Help about search

General information

Every search action implies the execution of a query on the whole set of records in dat@UBFC.

A query to dat@UBFC is interpreted as a logical expression. This query may be formulated in the search bar thanks to a query language, presented below.

All records satisfying the query condition are displayed. It is then possible to refine the query thanks to facet search (accessible on the left) by checking further criteria which will be added to the initial query.

Starting a search

Full text search: the condition is simply composed of one or several words. These words are searched in all fields of all records.

Selector search: a selector may be used to search a word in a definite field. These fields correspond to elements of metadata profile.

Multi-criteria search: full text or selector search criteria may be combined using logical operators.

Using logical operators

The “and” operator is indicated by the “&” symbol. This operator is used by default when no operator is specified. As in mathematics, the “and” operator has priority upon the “or” operator.

The “or” operator is indicated by the “;” and “|” symbols (the latter is the “pipe” symbol, not the uppercase “i” character).

The “not” operator is indicated by the “!” symbol. It allows negating a condition. For example, specifying “astronomy” returns all records with the word “astronomy”in a field; specifying “!astronomy” returns all records without the word “astronomy” in any of their fields.

Parenthesis may be used to constrain the order of operations with the same conventions than in mathematics.

Full text search

It is possible to search for one or several words in the whole set of fields of the data base. The search is performed independently of the word number (singular or plural) for words which have a plural with an -s suffix. When results of the query are displayed, exact occurrences are highlighted using a different colour for each searched word.

Example of full text search. The words you search for are highlighted.


A selector can be used to search for a word in a given field. These fields correspond to elements in the metadata profile.

The format of the query is: selector_name:value

It is a common use to surround the value with quotes to avoid the use of escape characters. Some among the selectors have shorter-form synonyms.


Selection on data access type.

Possible values are “open” or “restricted” when one needs to get in touch with the contact person to possibly gain access to the data.


Returns all records with the specified audience level.

Possible values are: “General”, “Elementary Education”, “Middle school Education”, “Community College”, “University: licence”, “University: master”, “Research”, “Stakeholder”, “Policy maker”, “Informal Education”, “Amateur”.


Returns all records contained in the specified collection; the exact name of the collection must be specified. When the name of the collection contains spaces or special characters, it must be surrounded by quotes or escape characters must be used (see below).


(synonym: contrib)

Selects records one of the contributors of which corresponds to the specified name. It can be a person or a structure, indicated as creator, contributor or contact. As for persons, names can be supplied under the form “first_name surname”, “surname first_name”, “surname” or “first_name”. As for structures, either the complete name or the acronym can be used.


(synonym: created)

Selects records which have been created since the specified date. The date format is “year-month-day”, for instance “2017-04-01” for April 1st 2017. To search for records with a creation date older than a given date, it is possible to use the “!” operator to reverse the selection.


(synonyms: crea, créa)

Selects records one of the creators of which corresponds to the specified name. It can be a person or a structure, indicated as creator. As for persons, names can be supplied under the form “first_name surname”, “surname first_name”, “surname” or “first_name”. As for structures, either the complete name or the acronym can be used.


(synonym: dis)

Selects records whose one of the associated disciplines corresponds to the specified name (list stemming from OST's list of disciplines).

  • discipline:ecology
    The records for which one of the disciplines is ecology.


Selects the record having the given DOI. DOI are not case sensitive.

  • doi:10.25666/DATAOSU-2016-06-27
    Select the record with DOI 10.25666/DATAOSU-2016-06-27.


(synonym: dom)

Selects records for which the grand discipline domain corresponds to the specified name from OST's list of disciplines: “fundamental biology", "medical research", "applied biology - ecology", "chemistry", "physics", "sciences of the universe", "engineering science", "mathematics", "humanities", "social science", "others, unassigned".


Selects the record having the given local ID. Identifiers are case sensitive.

  • id:FR-18008901306731-2016-06-27
    Select the record with ID FR-18008901306731-2016-06-27.


(synonym: issued)

Selects records relevant to data which have been published since the specified date. Format is year-month-day (e.g. 2017-04-01 for April 1st 2017). To search records updated before a specified date, use the “negation” (“!”) operator to reverse the selection.

  • issuedafter:2017-01-15
    The records about data which have published since January 15th 2017
  • !issuedafter:2017-01-15
    The records about data which have published before January 15th 2017


(synonym: kw)

Selects records which have the specified keyword.

In case of homonymous keywords in several thesaurus, the search of a keyword in a given thesaurus is performed is specifying the name of the keyword followed by ":", followed by the name of the thesaurus (the value can be “AGROVOC”, “Catalogue of Life”, “CCDC”, “EnvThes”, “GEMET”, “InChI”, “MeSH”, “NASA Thesaurus”, “Open Data Handbook”, “PACTOLS”, “PhySH”, “TAXREF”, “TGN”, “UAT”, “Wikimonde”).

  • kw:comets
    The records whose one of the keywords is "comets"
  • kw:dust:GEMET
    The records whose one of the keywords is "dust" in the GEMET thesaurus
  • kw:dust:UAT
    The records whose one of the keywords is "dust" in the UAT thesaurus


Selects records corresponding to the specified label.

  • label:ZAAJ
    The records which have label "Zone Atelier Arc Jurassien" (ZAAJ)


Selects the records according to the language of the data. It is possible to either use the full name of the language or the ISO 639-2 code (fre, eng …).

  • lang:french
    The records for which the data are in French.


Selects the records relevant to data obtained with the specified method. Values can be: "Observational data", "Derived or compiled data", "Experimental data", "Simulation or computational data", "Reference data".

  • method:"Reference data"
    Records about reference data (notice the use of quotes which surround the search value to account for the space character)
  • method:Reference\ data
    Records about reference data (same as above, but without the use of quotes, escaping the space character the backslash).


Selects all records with the specified level of obsolescence. To select records about obsolete data, it is possible to specify "yes", "oui", "y", "o", "obsolete", "obsolète" or "1" as value. Similarly, it is possible to use "no", "non", "n", "current", "actuel" or "0" to select records about non obsolete data.


Selects records corresponding to the specified project. A project is identified by its name.

  • project:mustardijon
    returns all records of the "MUSTARDijon" project


(synonym: pub)

Selects records describing data published by the specified structure. It is possible to use either the name or the acronym of the structure to perform the search.

  • publisher:Chrono-environnement
    selects all records describing data published by the Chrono-environment laboratory
  • publisher:IUCr
    selects all records describing data published by the International Union of Crystallography
  • publisher:CDS
    selects all records describing data hosted by the Strasbourg astronomical data Centre (CDS)


(synonym: struct)

Selects records related to a given structure (laboratory, etc.). This structure may be creator, contributor or publisher. A record will be also selected if a person affiliated to this structure is a creator, a contributor or a contact.

  • structure:UTINAM
    selects all records describing data for which the UTINAM Institute is either publisher, creator or contributor or one of its members is either creator, contributor or contact of these data


Selects records corresponding to the data type specified. Values can be either "dataset” or "database”.


(synonym: since)

Selects records updated since the specified date. It the record has never been updated, then the creation date is used. The date format is "year-month-day", e.g. "2017-04-01" for the April 1st 2017. To search records updated before a specified date, just use the “negation” (“!”) operator to reverse the selection.

  • updatedsince:2017-06-01
    Records updated or created since June 1st 2017.
  • since:2017-06-01
    Records updated or created since June 1st 2017 (same as above, but using “since” which is a synonym of "updatedsince").


Selects records having a data update period corresponding to the specified value. It is possible to use either the periodicity full name (e.g. “as needed”) or its ISO 19115 MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode code (e.g. “asNeeded”).

Possible values are: "annually", "biannually", "quarterly", “monthly", "fortnightly", “weekly”, “daily”, “continual”, “irregular”, “notPlanned”, “noUpdate”, “asNeeded”, “unknown”


(synonym: url)

Selects records about open data having an access URI comprising the specified value. Other URIs in descriptions and other fields are not taken into account.

    Records about data with the string "" contained in the internet address (uri).

Multicriterial search

Using selectors and logical operators, it is possible to perform complex multicriterial searches. Here are a few examples:

  • structure:utinam & access:open
    Records about open access data related to the UTINAM Institute.
  • (structure:Biogéosciences | structure:Chrono-environnement | structure:LICB | structure:THETA | structure:UTINAM) lang:English
    Records about English language data from the Biogéosciences, Chrono-environnement, LICB, THETA and UTINAM structure.
  • structure:Chrono-environnement !collection:PollenChrono
    Records about data related to the "Chrono-environnement" laboratory and not belonging to the "PollenChrono" collection.
  • discipline:ecology audience:Research createdsince:2017-01-01
    Records about data in the "ecology" scientific discipline with audience "Research" and created after January 1st 2017.
  • publisher:Chrono-environnement kw:ecotoxicology
    Records about data published by the "Chrono-environnement" laboratory with "ecotoxicology" as one of their keywords.
  • discipline:"environmental sciences" access:restricted
    Records about data in the "environmental sciences" scientific discipline with restricted access.
  • discipline:"astronomy & astrophysics" | discipline:"spectroscopy"
    Records about data in the "astronomy & astrophysics" or "spectroscopy" scientific disciplines.
  • label:zaaj !kw:ecotoxicology
    Records about data with the "ZAAJ" (Long-Term Ecosystem Research site Jurassian Arc) label without "ecotoxicology" being one of their keywords.
  • publisher:UTINAM kuiper
    Records about data published by the UTINAM Institute and having the word "kuiper" in one of their fields (full-text search).
  • method:"Derived or compiled data" discipline:"astronomy & astrophysics"
    Records about data issued from processing or from the compilation of raw data in the "astronomy & astrophysics" scientific discipline.

Escape characters

When values used in search criteria contain spaces or special characters, then these need to be escaped.

A string of alphanumeric characters can be supplied “as is”. It is possible to surround a text containing characters such as spaces using simple (') or double (") quotes. To prevent the interpretation of a special character, it is possible to insert the escaping character "\" in front of it.

In the following cases, using an escaping character is mandatory:

Character Escaped character No surroundings Surrounded by single quote (') Surrounded by double apostrophe (")
Space \(space) X
Tabulation * \t X X X
New line * \n X X X
\ \\ X X X
' \' X X
" \" X X
: \: X
( \( X
) \) X
& \& X
| \| X
; \; X

*: not usable with most search criteria

Plain text searches are usable only for words.

Some examples of escaping:

  • Escaping of the space and colon characters:
    audience:"University: master"
    audience:University\:\ master
  • Escaping the space, parenthesis and single quote characters:
    label:"l'OSU (test)"
    label:'l\'OSU (test)'
    label:l\'OSU\ \(test\)
  • Escaping the space and double quote characters:
    collection:"book \"Palaeontology\""
    collection:'book "Palaeontology"'
    collection:book\ \"Palaeontology\"


dat@uB is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers