ThéMA : Théoriser et Modéliser pour Aménager (UMR 6049) AureHAL: 812

Structure's type : laboratory
Country : France (FRA)
5 results

Clearcutting and landscape - Morvan 2023

Collected date : from 1 Jun 2023 to 20 Nov 2023

M2 internship (June-November 2023) on the perception of forest landscapes in the Morvan, France. More specifically, the aim is to combine modelling and a photographic survey to discuss the (non)acceptability of clearcutting and its integration into the landscape, while testing the possibilities of ...

Glaciological data Austre Lovén Svalbard

Collected date : from Oct 2008 ongoing
Creators : Eric Bernard

These data are measured in High Arctic over an observatory basin, located at 79°N on the W coast of Svalbard. Austre Lovén is a small 4.5 km² polythermal glacier in constant decline since the end of the LIA. The surrounding catchment is no more than 10 km² and exhibits a significant periglacial area ...

Archetypal cities

Disciplines : geography
Collected date : from Jan 2022 to Apr 2022
Creators : Maud Haffner

The aim is to have three 'standardised' study areas, representative of towns in France, characterised by a variety of forms at all the scales considered (building, neighbourhood and conurbation) and fully parameterisable. The three archetypal cities modelled are a monocentric peri-urban city, a ...

Historical hedge of Franche-Comté

Disciplines : geography
Collected date : from 5 Nov 2014 to 16 Dec 2015

Shapefield of hedge lines in Franche-Comté realized by photo-interpretation from an orthophotography of 2010.

Temperature under canopy

Collected date : from 1 May 2011 ongoing
Creators : Daniel Joly

Relevés systématiques de température sous couvert forestier. Le réseau est constitué de 50 capteurs de type "HOBO" qui échantillonnent une aire d'étude de 2000 km² comprise entre la vallée du Doubs et la Haute Chaîne du Jura. Chaque capteur enregistre une température (°C) toutes les 6 minutes depuis ...

5 results


dat@ThéMA is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers