7 results

Arvicola: population abundance scores of Arvicola terrestris in the Doubs and Jura departments

Disciplines : ecology
Collected date : from 1989 ongoing

Arvicola terrestris density scores recorded by the Fédération régionale de défense contre les organismes nuisibles at commune (French administrative division) resolution.

Glaciological data Austre Lovén Svalbard

Collected date : from Oct 2008 ongoing
Creators : Eric Bernard

These data are measured in High Arctic over an observatory basin, located at 79°N on the W coast of Svalbard. Austre Lovén is a small 4.5 km² polythermal glacier in constant decline since the end of the LIA. The surrounding catchment is no more than 10 km² and exhibits a significant periglacial area ...

ZELAC surveys: predator - prey

Collected date : from Jun 1999 ongoing

Road-side counts and grassland vole population density transects carried out by the FREDON Bourgogne Franche-Comté on a protocol designed with Patrick Giraudoux (Chrono-environment)

Piezometric monitoring in soils of the Clauge catchment area (Chaux forest, Jura)

Collected date : from Sep 2015 ongoing
Creators : Eric Lucot

Long-term piezometric monitoring in soils of the Clauge catchment area (Chaux forest, Jura) in different topographical positions.

Modern Land Snails from the Jura Mountains

Collected date : from 2014 ongoing
Creators : Emmanuel Fara

Field survey of extant gastropods occurring along the western edge of the Jura Mountains

Night road-side counts FDC25

Collected date : from Mar 2004 ongoing

Road-side counts carried out by the Fédération des chasseurs du Doubs on a protocol designed with Patrick Giraudoux (Chrono-environment)

Temperature under canopy

Collected date : from 1 May 2011 ongoing
Creators : Daniel Joly

Relevés systématiques de température sous couvert forestier. Le réseau est constitué de 50 capteurs de type "HOBO" qui échantillonnent une aire d'étude de 2000 km² comprise entre la vallée du Doubs et la Haute Chaîne du Jura. Chaque capteur enregistre une température (°C) toutes les 6 minutes depuis ...

7 results


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers