ChMeCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for chloromethane (CH3Cl), resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.
GeCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for germane (GeH4), resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.
CaDDiAcS - Calculated Database of Dijon for Atomic Spectra
The CaDDiAcS base contains spectroscopic data for some complex atoms and ions, in particular lanthanides. For many transitions, it gives the wavelengths, the spontaneous-emission Einstein coefficients, and the absorption oscillator strengths, calculated in ICB (Dijon) and Aimé Cotton (Orsay) ...
UHeCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for uranium hexafluide (UF6), resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.
MeCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for methane (CH4), resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.
RuCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for ruthenium tetroxide (RuO4), resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.