Glyphosate-AMPA-Glufosinate Hair Small Mammals
Concentrations of the compounds glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate measured in hair samples collected from free-ranging rodents and shrews captured across a French agroecosystem.
Phytomanagement - Tavaux (F-39)
The site is located in Western Europe along a major river and surrounded by several urban aggregates. Production at the chlor- alkali facility began in 1950 with wastewater discharged directly to a stream. In 1964 a dam was constructed downstream of the discharge. A 12-ha area with dikes 5-m high ...
CECURE-Contamination of the Environment and Circulation in Urban and Rural areas of Echinococcus multilocularis
A copro-sample collection was created for the CECURE project. The aim of this study was to assess the relative role of carnivore hosts (mainly fox, dog, cat) in the speading and circulation of the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis in the urban and rural environnement in order to assess the ...