Translations : hydrochemistry, hydrochimie
Frame of reference : Thésaurus INRAE identified by 13262
Jurassic Karst
Collected date : from 2009 ongoing
Hydrogeochemical monitoring of karst springs in the Jura mountains
OMIV - Time series of hydrochemical parameters on landslides
Collected date : from Sep 2010 ongoing
Creators :
Since 2010, the monitoring network, set up within the framework of the SNO- (Multidisciplinary Observatory of Slope Instabilities). This monitoring network provides a large amount of hydrogeological data The hydrogeological monitoring is composed of a high frequency and quasi-continuous monitoring, ...
Zones humides basse vallée de l'Ain
Collected date : from 1 Jul 1982 ongoing
Creators :
Gudrun Bornette
Aquatic plant communities and water physico-chemical data of cut-off river channels of the Ain river.