
Translations : climate, climat

Frame of reference : General multilingual Environnmental Thesaurus identified by 1462

18 results

Mobile temperature measurements of air temperature in Dijon

Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration by bike (one measurement every 5m) to characterize the urban heat island at very high resolution along constant transects

Mesures urbaines de la température dans l’agglomération du Grand Dijon (MUSTARDijon)

Collected date : from Jun 2014 ongoing

Air temperature and monitoring in the Dijon agglomeration for high-resolution monitoring of the urban heat island (50 stations, record sampling every 20 minutes, period June 2014 onwards)

PROTEKER: a near-shore submarine observatory in the Kerguelen Islands for the long-term monitoring of benthic habitats

Collected date : from Nov 2011 ongoing
Creators : Thomas Saucède

PROTEKER is a pilot program that aims at establishing a baseline for assessing the impact of climate change on near-shore marine ecosystems of the Kerguelen Islands by implementing an ecological and genetic monitoring at reference sites. The high diversity of coastal marine ecosystems is usually ...

Japanese disasters database

Collected date : from Sep 2020 to Sep 2021

Based on the study of newspaper articles from the Japanese English-language newspaper ‘The Japan Times’, the database contains all the catastrophic events (tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoons, etc.) recorded since the creation of the newspaper in the 1860s. until the 1970s.

WRF-CORDEX simulations on the Mediterranean domain MED-44

Collected date : from Jan 2019 to Dec 2019

WRF-CORDEX simulations on the Mediterranean MED-44 domain at 44 kms resolution. The version of the WRF model is 3.8.1 (Advance Research WRF dynamics (Skamarock et al 2008.)) forced by ERA-interim for the control run and CCSM4 for the scenarios. 4 sets of data are therefore available: the control run ...

WRF-CORDEX simulations on the Europe domain EUR-44

Collected date : from Jan 2019 to Dec 2019

WRF-CORDEX simulations on the European EUR-44 domain at 44 kms resolution. The version of the WRF model is 3.8.1 (Advance Research WRF dynamics (Skamarock et al 2008.)) forced by ERA-interim for the control run and CCSM4 for the scenarios. 4 sets of data are therefore available: the control run over ...

Downscaling CMIP5 climate projections over the Mont-Blanc Massif at a 200-m resolution

Statistical downscaling of outputs (daily minimum and maximum air temperature at 2-m) of 13 Earth System Models (simulations: HIST period 1950-2006; RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 period 2006-2100) at a 200-m resolution over and around the Mont-Blanc Massif (Western Europe, border between France and Italy and ...

HISTORISK database

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2006 ongoing
Creators : Emmanuel Garnier

The HISTORISK database lists and describes hazards having caused disasters and consequently recorded in archives and historic document (maps, paintings, newspapers, etc.) occured in France (mainland and overseas territories) since the Middle Ages. From 2018, new data of the same type will concern ...

Meteorological monitoring on Forbonnet peatland

Collected date : from Nov 2008 ongoing

Chrono-Environnement laboratory is responsible for the meteorological monitoring of an experimental station on the Frasne peatland (Tourbières du Forbonnet, Doubs) since November 2008. The meteorological parameters (temperature and humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction , groundwater level, ...

Regional desert dust and climate modeling in North Equatorial Africa : a 21-year WRF-CHIMERE simulation exercise

CHIMERE is a chemistry-transport model recently implemented in our laboratory. CHIMERE is able to model all kind of gaseous and aerosol species, the version used here being specifically adapted to simulate the emissions, transport and deposition of desert dust. We used two nested domains, namely ...

TEOM (Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance) desert dust measurements in Dédougou (Burkina Faso)

Collected date : from Mar 2012 ongoing
Creators : Nadège Martiny

The TEOM (Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance) instrument was settled in Dedougou (Burkina Faso) in March 2012. It automatically measures the PM10 (particulate matter which diameter is lower than 10µm) mass concentrations at the surface (at 2m) at a 15mn time-step, and day and night. The ...

Monthly mean interpolated climatic fields for Kenya

Collected date : 2012
Creators : Pierre Camberlin

Long-term mean monthly interpolated climatic data (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation amounts, parameters of Markov chains and gamma distribution for daily rainfall, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed) for Kenya (5.35°S to 4.32°N, 33.70°E to 41.95°E) at a resolution ...

ISLSCP II Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Consumption by Continental Erosion

Estimates for the riverine export of carbon and of sediments: dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export, particulate organic carbon (POC) export, bicarbonate export, export of bicarbonate being of atmospheric origin (atmospheric CO2 consumption by rock weathering), and sediment export. Estimates are ...

Climate simulations at a kilometer scale over the Mont-Blanc

Collected date : from Apr 2015 ongoing

Ten-member ensemble simulations performed over the Mont-Blanc massif with the ARW/WRF regional climate model, period 1979-2012, forced by ERA-Interim reanalyses

Hydrology, Climate Change, Adaptation, Water Resource in Burgundy (HYCCARE-Burgundy)

Collected date : from 1 Dec 2013 ongoing

Dynamical climate downscaling is realized using the WRF Regional Climate Model at 48km and 12km resolution respectively for Burgundy region. Climate simulations are used to feed the hydrological model GR4J towards the simulation of water ressource trends for 13 watersheds. Climate simulation ...

HydraVitis high spatial resolution hourly near ground air temperature data set, collected in a Burgundy (France) vineyard from 2014

Collected date : from 1 Apr 2014 ongoing

This database collects temperature data collected at a 15 minutes time step by thermal probes (HoBo Pendant) located at 60 cm from the ground, on simple upper radiation shelters. The network is located in a wine growing region in Burgundy, around Aloxe Corton (47°04' N ; 4°51' E). 45 sensors are ...

Global Charcoal Database - Paleofire

Collected date : from 2004 ongoing
Creators : GPWG

The aim of the Global Charcoal Database (GCD) is to provide the scientific community with a global paleofire dataset for research and archiving sedimentary records of fire. The GCD is managed by the Global Paleofire Working Group – GPWG. The GCD is funded and support by: the PAGES initiative and the ...

Temperature under canopy

Collected date : from 1 May 2011 ongoing
Creators : Daniel Joly

Relevés systématiques de température sous couvert forestier. Le réseau est constitué de 50 capteurs de type "HOBO" qui échantillonnent une aire d'étude de 2000 km² comprise entre la vallée du Doubs et la Haute Chaîne du Jura. Chaque capteur enregistre une température (°C) toutes les 6 minutes depuis ...

18 results


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers