
Translations : biomaterial, biomatériau

Frame of reference : Thésaurus INRAE identified by 10113

4 results

Phytomanagement - Tavaux (F-39)

Disciplines : forestry mycology cell biology ...
Collected date : from 2011 ongoing

The site is located in Western Europe along a major river and surrounded by several urban aggregates. Production at the chlor- alkali facility began in 1950 with wastewater discharged directly to a stream. In 1964 a dam was constructed downstream of the discharge. A 12-ha area with dikes 5-m high ...

Phytomanagement - Tavazzano (IT)

Disciplines : forestry mycology cell biology ...
Collected date : from 2019 ongoing
Creators : Michel Chalot

In the frame of the NETFIB project, the project partners study the production of nettle in agro-forestry systems, within a poplar-phytomanaged plantation, aiming at lowering the impact of degradation of polluted sites while maximazing ecosystem services. The objective of the production of the ...

Phytomanagement - Bernburg (DE)

Disciplines : forestry mycology cell biology ...
Collected date : from 2020 ongoing
Creators : Michel Chalot

In the frame of the NETFIB project, the project partners study the production of nettle in agro-forestry systems, within a poplar-phytomanaged plantation, aiming at lowering the impact of degradation of polluted sites while maximazing ecosystem services. The objective of the production of the ...

Sampling of Mediterranean fan mussel specimens (Pinna nobilis) for molecular analyses of the byssus and of the shell matrix

Collected date : from 8 May 2017 to 16 May 2017
Creators : Frédéric Marin

This document describes a field mission carried out in May 2017, at the Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer. This mission aimed at collecting live specimens as well as dead shells from the Mediterranean fan mussel, Pinna nobilis, an endemic species protected by European Directive ...

4 results


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers