Shear zone
Translations : shear zone, zone de cisaillement
Frame of reference : Loterre - Sciences de la Terre identified by JW6NLMVD-N

Structural data - Agly massif
Structural database of foliations, schistosities and lineations of variscan ductile structures of the Agly massif.

EBSD mapping of shear zones strain gradient - deformation mechanisms
Objective : characterize the deformation mechanisms and the crystallographic fabrics within homogeneously deformed granitic samples.

EBSD mapping of brittle shear zones precursors
Objective : microtextural characterization within a shear zone brittle precursor

EBSD mapping of shear zones strain gradient - seismic anisotropy
Objective : calculate the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of each mineral phase in order to rebuild the elastic properties of the polyminéralic aggregates.

Microprobe analysis on a brittle shear zone precursor
Objective : compare the chemical compositions of minerals within the brittle precursor and in the host rock.

Quantitative X-ray mapping of brittle shear zones precursors
Objective : characterize the chemical zonings in plagioclase and garnet related to fluid-rock interactions within a shear zone precursor

Suretta nappe shear zones
The database "Suretta nappe shear zones" contains petrological, structural and microtextural data of millimetre-scale shear zones from the Roffna rhyolite (Suretta nappe, Eastern Alps, Switzerland). The data consist of structural orientations, optical and electronic images of the mineralogy of the ...