Physical chemistry
Translations : physical chemistry, physicochimie
Frame of reference : General multilingual Environnmental Thesaurus identified by 10039

Physicochemical characteristics of water and sediment - floodplains of the Ain, Doubs and Loue Rivers - 2015-2016
19 sites (16 wetlands and 3 rivers) with different physicochemical characteristics and distributed along three rivers (Ain, Doubs, and Loue) were sampled. The physicochemical characteristics of the wetlands were measured in situ or after laboratory analysis.

Physicochemical characteristics of water and sediment - Ain River floodplain - 2019-2020
34 sites (16 wetland sites, 15 river sites, and 3 groundwaters) distributed along the Ain River with different physicochemical characteristics were sampled. The physicochemical characteristics of the wetlands were measured in situ or after laboratory analysis.

Jurassic Karst
Hydrogeochemical monitoring of karst springs in the Jura mountains

Gourdans-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Gourdans

Planet-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Planet

Brotteaux-Ain river-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Brotteaux

Port-Galland-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Port-Galland

Sous Bresse-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Sous Bresse

Puit-Novets-Ain River-Chemical data
Water physico-chemical data of the cut-off channel called Puit-Novets

Zones humides basse vallée de l'Ain
Aquatic plant communities and water physico-chemical data of cut-off river channels of the Ain river.