Bird of prey
Translations : bird of prey, rapace
Frame of reference : General multilingual Environnmental Thesaurus identified by 914

Diet of the Barn Owl and variations of small mammal population relative densities
Collected date : from Apr 1987 to Apr 1995
Dietary response of the Barn Owl was monitored in three church towers situated at 2.5, 2 and 1.5 km, 2 and 1.5 km to the small mammal sampling area. Small mammals were monitored in habitats type generally foraged by the Barn Owl (grassland, hedges)

Red kite monitoring
Collected date : from 5 Jun 2012 to 30 Jun 2016
Creators :
Michaël Coeurdassier
Dataset of red kite monitoring in France including nest localisation, biometry, brood size and range, diet, pollutant concentrations in blood (metals, organochlorines, PAHs, rodenticides), blood chemistry, stable isotopes (C,N,S), telomere length