
Translations : oceanography ; océanographie

Domain : sciences of the universe

4 results

PROTEKER: a near-shore submarine observatory in the Kerguelen Islands for the long-term monitoring of benthic habitats

Collected date : from Nov 2011 ongoing
Creators : Thomas Saucède

PROTEKER is a pilot program that aims at establishing a baseline for assessing the impact of climate change on near-shore marine ecosystems of the Kerguelen Islands by implementing an ecological and genetic monitoring at reference sites. The high diversity of coastal marine ecosystems is usually ...

MEDUSA: Marine benthic Ecological Data from Underwater imagery Surveys of sub-Antarctic Crozet environments

Collected date : from 4 Nov 2021 to 24 Nov 2022
Creators : Yann Lelièvre

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, the sub-Antarctic Crozet archipelago is located in a region facing significant environmental changes impacting a poorly known marine biodiversity. Underwater imagery constitutes a valuable non-invasive approach for gathering ecological data and improving ...

Modelling the response of Antarctic marine species to environmental changes. Methods, applications and limitations

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2017 to 9 Jul 2021

Ecological modelling is nowadays widely used to highlight the environmental conditions that influence the species ecological niche and better understand their response to environmental changes. Methodological challenges are however present for Southern Ocean marine case studies and it is important ...

Japanese disasters database

Collected date : from Sep 2020 to Sep 2021

Based on the study of newspaper articles from the Japanese English-language newspaper ‘The Japan Times’, the database contains all the catastrophic events (tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoons, etc.) recorded since the creation of the newspaper in the 1860s. until the 1970s.

4 results



Data language


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers