
Translations : geology ; géologie

Domain : sciences of the universe

60 results

Pollen analysis - Morre (La Vèze) (F-25), La Tourbière (Marais de Saône), 1984

Collected date : 1984
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; marsh. 4 palynological samples. Very bad conservation. Deep drilling in clay levels.

Pollen analysis - Morre (La Vèze) (F-25), La Tourbière (Marais de Saône), 2004

Collected date : 2004
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site; marsh. 8 palynological samples. Bad conservation. See F. Firtion, 1950.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Lycée Edgar Faure

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: lignite level in the foundations of the lycée building. 2 palynological samples; only 8/9 pollen grains.

Pollen analysis - Ney (F-39), Varves de Ney, Les Prés des Rousserots

Collected date : 1980
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: geological section border on the Ain river. 2 palynological samples.

OMIV - Time series of landslide surface displacements measured by GPS/GNSS

Collected date : from 11 Apr 2003 ongoing
Creators : OMIV

GPS/GNSS observations acquired on OMIV landslides at 24h/30s session/frequency in Rinex standardized file format. Time series of sensor positions and baselines (E, N, Up components).

OMIV - Time serie of seismic waveforms recorded on landslides and catalogue of endogenous seismic events

Collected date : from 21 Sep 2006 ongoing
Creators : OMIV

Seismic waveforms continuous records acquired on OMIV landslides at 250 Hz in miniseed standardized file format. Instrumental catalogue of endogenous seismic events.

Structural dataset in the Montagne Noire migmatitic dome (French Massif Central)

Collected date : from Apr 2010 ongoing

The structural dataset gives the orientation of structural elements (bedding, cleavage, foliation, lineation, etc.). The data are georeferenced in the World Geodetic System 1984.

Clay mineralogical and geochemical expressions of the "Late Campanian Event" in the Aquitaine and Paris basins (France): Palaeoenvironmental implications

Collected date : from 15 Aug 2013 to 15 May 2014

Campanian sediments from two French sedimentary basins were studied, using clay mineralogy and stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) geochemistry, in order to investigate the Late Campanian Event. The clay fraction of the Campanian sediments from the Tercis-les-Bains section (Aquitaine Basin) and from the ...

Continental weathering as a driver of Late Cretaceous cooling: new insights from clay mineralogy of Campanian sediments from the southern Tethyan margin to the Boreal realm

Disciplines : geology mineralogy
Collected date : from 15 Aug 2014 to 15 Aug 2016

New clay mineralogical analyses have been performed on Campanian sediments from the Tethyan and Boreal realms along a palaeolatitudinal transect from 45° to 20°N (Danish Basin, North Sea, Paris Basin, Mons Basin, Aquitaine Basin, Umbria-Marche Basin and Tunisian Atlas). Significant terrigenous ...

Bou Arhous ore deposit

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2011 ongoing

This database contains a set of petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical data from ores collected in the Bou Arhous deposit in Morocco

60 results


Data language


dat@UBFC is a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers