Sébastien Guillon
Main affiliation : Laboratoire Chrono-environnement (UMR 6249) (Université de Franche-Comté)
- Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Franche-Comté)

Pollen analysis - Montady (F-34), L'Etang de Montady
Medieval radiating drainage network, built to drain a post-glacial pond developed in an endoreic depression of periglacial eolian origin linked to the Ensérune archaeological site. In 2005: drilling, 10 samples read + one 14C dating; all the rest of the samples read by Sébastien Guillon. In 2021, ...

Pollen analysis - Al Hawwash (Rhab) (Syrie, Gouvernorat d'Hama), Le Ruj
Wetland area. Drillings. 24 palynological samples. Drilling campaign in Northern Syria in 2003. Poor pollen conservation. No radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Jebel Oust (Tunisie, gouvernorat de Zaghouan), Thermes
Archaeological excavations. 16 palynological samples: 4 in 2005 by Sébastien Guillon (sterile samples) and 12 in 2010 by Hervé Richard (contrasting but sometimes exploitable results).

Pollen analysis - Kairouan (Tunisie, gouvernorat de Kairouan), Ṣabra al-Manṣūriya (Sabra)
Archaeological excavations. 18 palynological samples. Pollen not very well preserved, some acceptable samples.

Pollen analysis - Couchey (F-21), La Platelle (Champs perdrix)
Natural site: soil section. Only one palynological sample. Differential conservation problem (disproportionate number of cichorioidae pollen).

Pollen analysis - Vosnes-Romanée (F-21), Romanée-Conti
Natural site: soil section. Only one palynological sample. Differential conservation problem (disproportionate number of cichorioidae pollen).

Pollen analysis - Le Frasnois (F-39), Lac de Narlay (Narlay II and Narlay 2003)
Natural site: peat bog border on the lake. Two series: Narlay II (NY II) and Narlay 2003. 63 palynological samples in Narlay II; 25 in Narlay 2003 (18 by S. Guillon) + 19 radiocarbon datings. Unpublished data in its entirety. Ancient analysis by S. Wegmüller in 1966.