Hervé Richard

Main affiliation : Laboratoire Chrono-environnement (UMR 6249) (Université de Franche-Comté)

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Secondary and inactive affiliations
  • Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Terre, Homme, Environnement, Temps, Astronomie (UAR 3245) (Université de Franche-Comté)
345 results

Pollen analysis - Larnaca (Chypre, District de Larnaca), Salt Lake

Collected date : 2003

Natural site. Drillings. 7 palynological samples, difficult to read. The rest of the samples were not analysed in Besançon.

Pollen analysis - Thionville (F-57), Lycée Colbert

Collected date : 1990
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavation. 2 palynological samples. Sterile.

Pollen analysis - Pagny-sur-Meuse (F-55), Les Marais (Morte Fontaine)

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: drilling in a swamp forest. 4 palynological samples. Should be looked by new analysis.

Pollen analysis - Marainville-sur-Madon (F-88), Sous le chemin de Naviot (Naviot)

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: excavation in a tumulus (VI century BC). 10 palynological samples. Poor.

Pollen analysis - Montréal-la-Cluse (F-01), A404 derrière la côte du château

Collected date : 1996
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: sections during the construction of the A404 motorway. 17 palynological samples. Analysis made on multiple sections.

Pollen analysis - Glux-en-Glenne (F-58), Bibracte, Porte du Rebout, ditch, sondage C

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site, section in the ditch. 4 palynological samples: 2 positive.

Pollen analysis - Diarville (F-54), Pâquis devant Giblot

Collected date : from 1988 to 1990
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: tumulus digs ("tombe à char"). 11 palynological samples (7 samples in 1988 and 4 in 1989) + one radiocarbon dating. Poor.

Pollen analysis - Bliesbruck (F-57), Gallo-Roman ruins of Blisbruck-Reinheim

Collected date : 1991
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavations. 11 palynological samples; 4 positive samples. Very high rates of Brassicaceae pollen in an ancient well.

Pollen analysis - Coulon (F-79), Camp du Maréchal

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site in a wetland. 15 palynological samples + one radiocarbon dating. Near the chariot wheel dating from the VIIIe century BC.

Pollen analysis - Chanaz (F-73), Portout I, canal de Savières

Collected date : 1986
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavations. 8 palynological samples. Negative upper samples.

Pollen analysis - Autun (F-71), Cathédrale Saint Nazaire, cloister

Collected date : 1989
Creators : Hervé Richard

Sections in archaeological excavations. 32 palynological samples. Very bad conservation: nearly sterile samples.

Pollen analysis - Salins-les-Bains (F-39), salt spring, Les Thermes

Collected date : 2000
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site, ash level. 5 palynological samples. Very high Cerealia pollen type rates.

Pollen analysis - Frasne (F-25), Tourbière de Fortbonnet

Collected date : 2011

Natural site. Peat bog. 109 palynological samples + 13 radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Au Sauveur (beach)

Collected date : 1997
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site. Drilling border on the lake (all of the Tardiglacial and Holocene). 36 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Al Hawwash (Rhab) (Syrie, Gouvernorat d'Hama), Le Ruj

Collected date : from 2003 to 2005

Wetland area. Drillings. 24 palynological samples. Drilling campaign in Northern Syria in 2003. Poor pollen conservation. No radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Moras (F-38), Tourbière nord-ouest du lac

Natural site: peat bog located at the north-west Moras Lake. Russian (GIK) coring dril. 28 palynological samples + 3 datings 14C. Very beautiful Boreal sequence (several meters). Great wealth in taxa (61 different taxa for the 28 levels analyzed). It was then re-started by Emilie Gauthier and in ...

Pollen analysis - Marsal (F-57), South archaeological site (briquetting of the Seille river)

Collected date : 2004
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavation. 2 very poor palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Saint-François-de-Sales (F-73), Les Creusates

Natural site: peat bog. 63 palynological samples. A reanalysis was taken by Elena Ortu while in the Edytem laboratory in Chambéry, and then by Fernand David (Aix-Marseille University).

Pollen analysis - Mauguio (F-34), Motte féodale

Collected date : 1991
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavations. 2 negative palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Mutzig (F-67), Rain, Boulevard Clémenceau

Collected date : from 1992 to 2015
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavations. 24 palynological samples divided into 3 series (1992, 2011 et 2015).

Pollen analysis - Marsillargues (F-34), Mauguio-Le Lièvre (Pont du Lièvre)

Collected date : 2002

Natural site. Core in a wet meadow border on northeast of the "l'étang de Mauguio". 41 palynological samples + 3 radiocarbon datings. Around 40 further samples have been read by Didier Galop (GEODE, Toulouse). Pollen diagram never published.

Pollen analysis - La Boisse (F-01), A42

Collected date : 2006
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: Gallo-Roman villa. 24 palynological samples. Poor samples.

Pollen analysis - Hagenthal-le-Bas (F-68), Vallée du Lertzbach

Collected date : from 2009 to 2010
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: drilling in a wetland. 76 palynological samples + 12 radiocarbon datings. Very complex age-depth model due to an irregular sedimentation caused by the shifting of the creek.

Pollen analysis - Chapdes-Beaufort (F-63), Chartreuse du Port-Sainte-Marie

Collected date : 2000
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavations. 3 palynological samples. Poor.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Transects (water/sediment interface)

Collected date : 1982
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site. Sampling at the bottom of the lake at the water/sediment interface: in front of the archaeological sites "Station IV" and "La Mottes aux Magnins", and south of the lake. 25 palynological samples.

345 results


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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers