Catherine ?.
Main affiliation : Laboratoire Chrono-Écologie (ex Chrono-environnement) (Université de Franche-Comté)
Pollen analysis - Bonlieu (F-39), Le Lautrey (point 205)
Peat bog; 51 palynological samples. Other analyses on this site by Carole Bégeot and Pascale Ruffaldi (2006)
Pollen analysis - Villers-le-lac (F-25), Les Pargots (Clos Richier)
Natural site: high lacustrine terrace on the right bank of the Doubs river. 102 palynological samples + 1 radiocarbon dating. 10,30 meters length core. 1 radiocarbon dating between 5,90 and 6,00 m = 8250 ± 50 BP (too old : Hard Water Effect ?). Disappointing results: pollen conservation problems.
Pollen analysis - Saint-Jorioz (F-74), Le Beau
Natural site border on the Annecy lake. 16 meters drilling, with boring machine (Apageo) and "russian" corer. 183 palynological samples in 1995 and 24 in 2019 + 9 radiocarbon datings. Never published in its totality.