Captures and abundance indices of small mammals from the research programmes and collaborations initiated by Pierre Delattre since 1979 then Patrick Giraudoux since 1992.
Creation of collection : 25 May 2016
Arvicola: population abundance scores of Arvicola terrestris in the Doubs and Jura departments
Arvicola terrestris density scores recorded by the Fédération régionale de défense contre les organismes nuisibles at commune (French administrative division) resolution.
CLAC: grassland small mammal surveys based on activity indices
Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris and Talpa europea relative density scores recorded along transects carried out from April 2005 onwards.
ZELAC: grassland small mammal surveys based on activity indices
Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris and Talpa europea relative density scores recorded along transects carried out from April 2007 onwards.
ZERRAC: grassland small mammal surveys based on activity indices
Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris and Talpa europea relative density scores recorded along transects carried out from October 2016 onwards.
MicromAsia: small mammal surveys in Western China and Kyrgyztan
Traplines and captures of small mammals and sampling transects carried out in Asia (Western China and Kyrgyztan) from 1994 onwards, as part of Patrick Giraudoux and his crew's research expeditions. A collection of bodies, skulls and tissues that has been donated to the Museum National d'Histoire ...
Microma Indices 1990-2000
Microtus arvalis relative density scores recorded along 7 transects carried out from 1990 to 2000
Microma 1979-2000
Traplines and captures of small mammals carried out mostly in Septfontaines (canton of Levier) and around, from 1979 to 2000, as part of Pierre Delattre and his crew's research.
Fossorial water vole (Arvicola terrestris) population cycles and their phase-associated microbial communities
Monitoring of montane water vole populations on the Jura plateau during the phases of a demographic cycle: relative densities, reproduction parameters, weight, relative age (crystalline weight), and microbial community composition. Those data have been collected in the framework of Petra Villette's ...
Microma indices 2014 >
Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris and Talpa europea relative density scores recorded along 7 transects carried out from 2014 onwards
- Microma
- PollenChrono
- Données de thèse
- Single-crystal X-ray structures
- Organic synthesis
- Calculated spectroscopic databases
- Dynamique des orogènes anciennes
- Chimie des eaux-basse vallée de l'Ain
- Gaia
- Données de thèse de Jonas Vanardois
- Faults and shear zones
- Complex directed networks
- Données de thèse de Thomas Leydier
- Hydrogène
- Phytomanagement-Chrono
- Données de thèse de Charles Henriot
- Pile à combustible
- CNR Echinococcoses
- Données de thèse de Alexandre Lhosmot
- Données de thèse de Angélica Leticia Cahuana Velasteguí
- Équipe SHARPAC
- Star formation
- Bioorganic synthesis
- Road-side counts
- Inorganic synthesis
- Données de thèse de Paul Breugnot
- Histoire des catastrophes
- Elaboration des matériaux luminescents
- Neuro group @ FEMTO-ST
- Paleoparasitology
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Bacilles à Gram négatif dans l'environnement
- TNOs
- Piézométrie Chrono-Environnement
- AVKs
- Génomique bactérienne
- Données de thèse de Florian Scalvini
- Organometallic complexes with metal-metal bonds
- Lipid model membranes
- Molecular dynamics