DATA-PHM is a research team in prognostics and health management of industrial systems fields. The research interests include systems condition monitoring (CM), predictive maintenance (PdM), and system reliability of industrial systems.
Creation of collection : 3 Mar 2023
Static and Dynamic Aging Data for NMC Li-ion batteries over wide use range
This dataset presents the ageing data of several Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt battery cells. This work was aiming to have precise characterisations for several battery states, considering mainly states-of-health and states-of-charge. Three single cells were used as well as a two-cell module, in which ...
Failure data of a microgripper for intracorporeal surgeries
Two datasets are provided, the raw data and filtered data of position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk of a microgripper for intracorporeal surgeries. The microgripper was driven by 316L stainless steel wires of 0.08mm in diameter and motors. Raw data was collected using an experimental setup until ...
LASPI: Detection and diagnostics of gearbox faults
Dataset of current, voltage, and vibration measurements of an electromechanical driving system. The system is a three-phase asynchronous motor that drives a gearbox. The gearbox is composed of bearings and gears that are susceptible to fail. Seven experiments corresponding to different states of ...
AMPERE: Detection and diagnostics of rotor and stator faults in rotating machines
Dataset of speed, current, voltage and vibration measurements of an electromechanical drive system. The system is a three-phase asynchronous motor. It is composed of an aging bearing and a squirrel cage rotor with defects (broken bars). In addition, unbalanced power supply faults are investigated. ...
METALLICADOUR: Detection and diagnostics of multi-axis robot faults
Dataset of position, current, vibration, force, and torque measurements of an electromechanical drive system. The system is a multi-axes robot that contains a three-phase asynchronous motor. This latter motor drives a cutting tool for machining aluminum parts. It studies different states of health ...
- PollenChrono
- Données de thèse
- Single-crystal X-ray structures
- Organic synthesis
- Calculated spectroscopic databases
- Dynamique des orogènes anciennes
- Microma
- Chimie des eaux-basse vallée de l'Ain
- Gaia
- Données de thèse de Jonas Vanardois
- Complex directed networks
- Faults and shear zones
- Données de thèse de Thomas Leydier
- Phytomanagement-Chrono
- Équipe SHARPAC
- Hydrogène
- Données de thèse de Charles Henriot
- Données de thèse de Angélica Leticia Cahuana Velasteguí
- CNR Echinococcoses
- Star formation
- Pile à combustible
- Données de thèse de Alexandre Lhosmot
- Inorganic synthesis
- Bioorganic synthesis
- Road-side counts
- TNOs
- Données de thèse de Paul Breugnot
- Histoire des catastrophes
- Bacilles à Gram négatif dans l'environnement
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Paleoparasitology
- Elaboration des matériaux luminescents
- Neuro group @ FEMTO-ST
- Vieillissement
- Données de thèse de Florian Scalvini
- Early Triassic fossils from the western USA Basin
- Génomique bactérienne
- Lipid model membranes
- Malacologie continentale
- Molecular dynamics
- Batteries
- Organometallic complexes with metal-metal bonds
- Piézométrie Chrono-Environnement
- POPSU - Axe 2 : Mesurer les transitions dans les lieux d'habitat
- AVKs