Star formation
Creation of collection : Jan 2019
Characterising low-mass dense cores with the Onsala 20m radiotelescope
The data set contains spectra of rotational emission of 12CO, 13CO, C18O (J=1-0), CS (2-1), and N2H+ (J=1-0) for 159 low-mass sources from the dense-core catalogue of the Galactic Cold Cores programme (Montillaud et al. 2015, A&A). The spectra were obtained by pointed observations using the Onsala ...
COMMON: COMplete view of the MONoceros OB1 molecular complex
The record presents the millimetre observations of the Monoceros OB 1 molecular cloud obtained with the TRAO-14m telescope (South Korea) in the frame of the large programme COMMON. The targeted lines are 12CO and 13CO (J=1-0) with angular resolution ~50 arcsec, spectral resolution 0.2 km/s, and ...
The Galactic cold cores molecular follow-up: the filament-core connection
This record presents observations conducted with the IRAM 30m telescope for the field G202+02, a filament part of the Monoceros OB 1 molecular complex. The observations are composed of on-the-fly maps of the rotational emissions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and N2H+ (J=1-0), as well as CS (J=2-1). The raw ...
Galactic cold cores: IV. Source extraction maps
This record presents the maps published by the Galactic cold cores project in the paper IV (Montillaud et al. 2015) for the 116 fields observed with the Herschel space observatory. An excerpt of the maps can be found in appendix G of the paper. The full set of maps is available through the Muffins ...
- Star formation
- PollenChrono
- Données de thèse
- Single-crystal X-ray structures
- Organic synthesis
- Calculated spectroscopic databases
- Dynamique des orogènes anciennes
- Microma
- Chimie des eaux-basse vallée de l'Ain
- Gaia
- Données de thèse de Jonas Vanardois
- Faults and shear zones
- Complex directed networks
- Données de thèse de Thomas Leydier
- Hydrogène
- Phytomanagement-Chrono
- Données de thèse de Charles Henriot
- Pile à combustible
- CNR Echinococcoses
- Données de thèse de Alexandre Lhosmot
- Données de thèse de Angélica Leticia Cahuana Velasteguí
- Équipe SHARPAC
- Bioorganic synthesis
- Road-side counts
- Inorganic synthesis
- Données de thèse de Paul Breugnot
- Histoire des catastrophes
- Elaboration des matériaux luminescents
- Neuro group @ FEMTO-ST
- Paleoparasitology
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Bacilles à Gram négatif dans l'environnement
- TNOs
- Piézométrie Chrono-Environnement
- AVKs
- Génomique bactérienne
- Données de thèse de Florian Scalvini
- Organometallic complexes with metal-metal bonds
- Lipid model membranes
- Molecular dynamics