I-SITE BFC : Initiative pour le SITE Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Website : http://i-site.ubfc.fr/en/

Country : France (FRA)

7 results

Sample depth (m), TOC (wt. %, whole rock), TN (ppm, wholerock), TOC/TN, δ13Corg (‰ vs. PDB), and δ15Nbulk (‰ vs. air), for samples analyzed along the GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil).

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2020 to 1 Jan 2023
Creators : Christophe Thomazo

Nitrogen and Carbon isotope data from the Neoarchean GT13 and GT16 drill cores (Serra Sul Formation, Amazonian Craton, Brazil)

Wikipedia network analysis of cancer interactions and world influence

We apply the Google matrix algorithms for analysis of interactions and influence of 37 cancer types, 203 cancer drugs and 195 world countries using the network of 5 416 537 English Wikipedia articles with all their directed hyperlinks. The PageRank algorithm provides the importance order of cancers ...

Interactions of pharmaceutical companies with world countries, cancers and rare diseases from Wikipedia network analysis

Using the English Wikipedia network of more than 5 million articles we analyze interactions and interlinks between the 34 largest pharmaceutical companies, 195 world countries, 47 rare renal diseases and 37 types of cancer. The recently developed algorithm of reduced Google matrix (REGOMAX) allows ...

World influence of infectious diseases from Wikipedia network analysis

Collected date : from 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017

We consider the network of 5416537 articles of English Wikipedia of 2017. Using the recent reduced Google matrix (REGOMAX) method we construct the reduced network of 230 articles (nodes) of infectious diseases and 195 articles of world countries. This method generates the reduced directed network ...

Wikipedia Ranking of World Universities 2017

We present Wikipedia Ranking of World Universities (WRWU) based on analysis of networks of 24 Wikipedia editions collected in May 2017. With PageRank and CheiRank algorithms we determine ranking of universities averaged over cultural views of these editions. The comparison with the Shanghai ranking ...

Pollen analysis - Omisalj (Croatia)

Collected date : from Jun 2018 ongoing
Creators : Benjamin Dietre

Pollen analysis conducted in 2018 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (OMISALJ-2016) at Omisalj, Krk Island.

Pollen analysis - Osor (Croatia)

Collected date : from Jun 2018 ongoing
Creators : Benjamin Dietre

Pollen analysis conducted in 2018 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (OSOR-2016) at Osor, Cres Island.

7 results


dat@OSU is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers