Translations : paleoclimatology, paléoclimatologie

Pollen analysis - Courmayeur (Italie, Vallée d'Aoste), Lac Combal (Miage)-Val Veny
Natural site: drilling. 15 + 31 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Onoz (F-39), Lac d'Onoz
Natural site: wetland border on the lake. 81 palynological samples by Hervé Richard and 81 samples by Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu (Marseille). No radiocarbon dating. Never published. Other analysis by Carole Bégeot (2008).

Pollen analysis - Villers-le-lac (F-25), Les Pargots (Clos Richier)
Natural site: high lacustrine terrace on the right bank of the Doubs river. 102 palynological samples + 1 radiocarbon dating. 10,30 meters length core. 1 radiocarbon dating between 5,90 and 6,00 m = 8250 ± 50 BP (too old : Hard Water Effect ?). Disappointing results: pollen conservation problems.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Stade
Natural site; weat meadow. 62 palynological samples. 12 meters length drilling.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Jorioz (F-74), Le Beau
Natural site border on the Annecy lake. 16 meters drilling, with boring machine (Apageo) and "russian" corer. 183 palynological samples in 1995 and 24 in 2019 + 9 radiocarbon datings. Never published in its totality.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Petit lac
Natural site. Peat bog on the northern edge of the lake (Petit lac de Clairvaux). 40 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Courfaivre (Suisse, Jura), La Faverge
Natural site, section. 38 palynological samples + 3 radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Larnaca (Chypre, District de Larnaca), Salt Lake
Natural site. Drillings. 7 palynological samples, difficult to read. The rest of the samples were not analysed in Besançon.

Pollen analysis - Frasne (F-25), Tourbière de Fortbonnet
Natural site. Peat bog. 109 palynological samples + 13 radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Au Sauveur (beach)
Natural site. Drilling border on the lake (all of the Tardiglacial and Holocene). 36 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Moras (F-38), Tourbière nord-ouest du lac
Natural site: peat bog located at the north-west Moras Lake. Russian (GIK) coring dril. 28 palynological samples + 3 datings 14C. Very beautiful Boreal sequence (several meters). Great wealth in taxa (61 different taxa for the 28 levels analyzed). It was then re-started by Emilie Gauthier and in ...

Pollen analysis - Saint-François-de-Sales (F-73), Les Creusates
Natural site: peat bog. 63 palynological samples. A reanalysis was taken by Elena Ortu while in the Edytem laboratory in Chambéry, and then by Fernand David (Aix-Marseille University).

Pollen analysis - Mutzig (F-67), Rain, Boulevard Clémenceau
Archaeological excavations. 24 palynological samples divided into 3 series (1992, 2011 et 2015).

Pollen analysis - Marsillargues (F-34), Mauguio-Le Lièvre (Pont du Lièvre)
Natural site. Core in a wet meadow border on northeast of the "l'étang de Mauguio". 41 palynological samples + 3 radiocarbon datings. Around 40 further samples have been read by Didier Galop (GEODE, Toulouse). Pollen diagram never published.

Pollen analysis - Hagenthal-le-Bas (F-68), Vallée du Lertzbach
Natural site: drilling in a wetland. 76 palynological samples + 12 radiocarbon datings. Very complex age-depth model due to an irregular sedimentation caused by the shifting of the creek.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Transects (water/sediment interface)
Natural site. Sampling at the bottom of the lake at the water/sediment interface: in front of the archaeological sites "Station IV" and "La Mottes aux Magnins", and south of the lake. 25 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Andelot-en-Montagne (F-39), Peat bog (Andelot I)
Peat bog. 37 palynological samples. New analysis (higher levels) in 2016 (see "Andelot-en-Montagne, Marais (KTH)", Master1 Justine Renard).

Pollen analysis - Flims (Suisse, Grizon), Sturzstrom
Section in the holocene caving of Flims. 6 sterile palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Luc-en-Diois (F-26), Lac du Claps (Petit Lac)
Natural site: lake formed in 1442 upstream a natural dam due to a rockslide. Drilling. 16 palynological samples. Opportunities to demonstrate seasonal rhythms.

Pollen analysis - La-Chaux-du-Dombief (F-39), Lac d'Ilay 1982 (deer skeleton)
Natural site: lake, border on the "La Motte d'Ilay" (island). 11 palynological samples. Near a neolithic deer skeleton.

Pollen analysis - Marchamp (F-01), Lac de Cerin (1987)
Natural site: peat bog and lake. 9 palynological samples. Initial palynological tests before the Pascale Ruffaldi Phd (1993) and the following researches.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Laurent-en-Grandvaux (F-39), Le Coin d'Amont
Natural site: peat bog. 24 palynological samples. RN5 detour road to the northeast of the town.

Pollen analysis - Vix (F-21), En-la-Laune
Natural site: drilling. 27 palynological samples + 6 radiocarbon datings. To publish in its entirety.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Girod (F-73), Argiles d'Albens (Les Epinettes ?)
Natural site: section. 6 palynological samples. Top of the section in the "argiles d'Albens" (Albens clays)

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain, station 3 (7,50 m)
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 135 palynological samples. Drilling of 7.50 m. 2 radiocabon datings on the oldest human impacts + archaeological dating (cultural phases) and dendrochronological dating on the neolithic levels crossed by this drilling.