Translations : paleoclimatology, paléoclimatologie

Pollen analysis - Lavancia-Epercy (F-39), Dortan travertine quarry
Natural site: travertine quarry ("Tuff of Dortan"). 3 palynological samples + 1 radiocarbon dating: 9100 ± 180 BP.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S4
Natural site: wet meadow. 6 palynological samples. From 10.20 to 13.20 meters. Atypical results. Extension of Morteau Stade et Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Malpas (F-25), Malpas 1
Natural site: peat bog border on the lac. 10 palynological samples. Complet drilling analysed by Emilie Gauthier as part of her PhD thesis (2001).

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (Morteau-Montlebon) (F-25), Transects II-6, II-7 et III-7
Natural site; wet meadow. 14 palynological samples. Approximate geographical coordinates: 3 transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Petit lac I and S3
Natural site. Peat bog border on the "Petit lac de Clairvaux". Two series: 15 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Wingersheim-les-Quatre-Bans - Mittelhausen (F-67), Ungerbruchgraben
Natural site: drilling at the edge of a creek (Unterbruchgraben), along the TGV line. 53 palynological samples + 5 radiocarbon datings. Palynological data accompanied by plant remains (J. Wiethold, INRAP).

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Sur La Seigne
Natural site: wet meadow. 58 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 10,40 meters length.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Transect S3
Natural site: wet meadow. 24 palynological samples. From 4.40 to 25,70 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Moulin Bournez
Natural site; weat meadow. 126 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 33,57 meters length drilling.

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain, Station 7-1986
Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 7 palynological samples (related to M. Magny PhD thesis, 1991).

Pollen analysis - Les Avenières (F-38), L'Eau morte ou Eaux-mortes
Natural site: drilling in an ancient meander of the Rhône river. 24 palynological samples by M. Boucheron; site included and completed in the HDR of Emilie Gauthier (2012).

Pollen analysis - Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille (F-73), Lac du Bourget, deep drilling (LDB 01-I)
Natural site: drilling in the deep levels of the lake (Edytem laboratory). 2 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Malpas (F-25), Malpas 6
Natural site: peat bog border on the lac. 5 palynological samples. Complet drilling analysed by Emilie Gauthier as part of her PhD thesis (2001).

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Transect S2
Natural site; weat meadow. 16 palynological samples. Many drillings along a transect ligne: 6.0 to 12.45 meters length.

Pollen analysis - Morteau (F-25), Transect S1
Natural site; weat meadow. 18 palynological samples. Many drillings along a transect ligne: 4.20 to 12.30 meters length.

Pollen analysis - Bonlieu (F-39), Lac de Bonlieu (prise d'eau)
Peat bog. 11 palynological samples. Stratifical limit between lacustrin chalk and peat.

Pollen analysis - Collonge-Bellerive (Suisse, Genève), Bellerive
Lacustrine archaeological site. Underwater drilling. 9 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Puruaguita (Mexique, Guanajuato), Las Cazuelejas (CAZ-P)
Natural site: sections. 8 palynological samples. All samples are sterile except one (333 pollen grains).

Pollen analysis - Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille (F-73), Hautecombe
Lacustrin achaeological site. Six sub-lakeside drillings (n° 1 à 6). 54 palynological samples. Many levels with very bad conservation pollen (sand levels). Resuming the samples.

Pollen analysis - Chens-sur-Léman (F-74), Port de Tougues
Archaeological site (lake dwelling): sub-lacustrine drillings. 101 palynological samples (analysis: H. Richard and P. Ruffaldi). 4 different drillings : C21, C22, C23, C24. Never published.

Pollen analysis - Brangues (F-38), Les Aymes
Natural site: drilling in an ancient meander (motorised 'russian' core). 42 palynological samples + 2 radiocabon datings.

Pollen analysis - Etival (F-39), Village center (soccer field)
Natural site. Peat bog on an ancient lake. 69 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. Auroch (Bos primigenius) skeleton.

Pollen analysis - Grande-Rivière (F-39), Lac de l'Abbaye, S3, S5, S. central
Natural site. Peatbog border on the lake. 17 palynological samples (related to the M. Magny PhD thesis, 1991) + 2 radiocarbon datings.

Pollen analysis - Doucier (F-39), Lac de Chambly (sud, Les Charnes) S1, S3, S8
Peat bog located south of lake Chambly. 14 palynological samples (related to the M. Magny PhD thesis, 1991).

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Petit lac I-27 and S3
Natural site. Peat bog border on the "Petit lac de Clairvaux". 15 palynological samples (related to the M. Magny PhD thesis, 1991). 2 drillings (I-27 and S3).