
Translations : history ; histoire

Domain : humanities

20 results

Pollen analysis - Le Locle (NE, CH), Col des Roches (Projet H20)

Collected date : from Jun 2020 ongoing

The archaeological surveys carried out on the Le Locle bypass road have made it possible to make several test borring in the upper part of the fill of the area located south of the city, between the city and the Col des Roches, in the Marais des Calame and Marais de la Molière. Two sections were ...

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Domaine CID I et CID II

Collected date : from Mar 2021 ongoing

Two boreholes (CID I of 5.77 m and CID II of 7.63 m) were drilled off the Domaine de Chalain (east bank), 65-70 m from the shore. 57 pollen samples were taken from CID I and 21 from CID II + 5 radiocarbon dates.

Pollen analysis - La Châteleine (F-39), Au vieux château

Collected date : from Jul 2020 ongoing
Creators : Hervé Richard

Only one sample in a natural depression in the heart of the castle excavation.

Pollen analysis - Strasbourg (F-67), Caserne Barbade

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Urban archaeological excavation. 10 palynological samples. "Urban" typical results.

Japanese disasters database

Collected date : from Sep 2020 to Sep 2021

Based on the study of newspaper articles from the Japanese English-language newspaper ‘The Japan Times’, the database contains all the catastrophic events (tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoons, etc.) recorded since the creation of the newspaper in the 1860s. until the 1970s.

Pollen analysis - Strasbourg (F-67), Place des Bateliers

Collected date : 1991
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavation. 18 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings. 6 acceptable samples.

Pollen analysis - Luc-en-Diois (F-26), Lac du Claps (Petit Lac)

Collected date : 1997
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: lake formed in 1442 upstream a natural dam due to a rockslide. Drilling. 16 palynological samples. Opportunities to demonstrate seasonal rhythms.

Pollen analysis - Oyonnax (F-01), Lac Genin

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: peat bog in the north edge of the lake. 5 palynological samples. 1st half of the subatlantic period at 2.15 m depth. Should be looked by new analysis.

Pollen analysis - Saint-Bonnet-de-Chavagne (F-26), Le Châtelard

Disciplines : archaeology architecture history ...
Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: lime mortar from a wall. Only one palynological sample. Test in the mortar of the fortified house.

Pollen analysis - Planken (Liechtenstein), NR 4,5

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Two palynological samples from moss used to fill the gaps between the construction elements of an alpine chalet. Dendrochronological date: 1750 AD.

Pollen analysis - Steinhausen (Suisse, Zug), Chalet 1700 + ZCS

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Five palynological samples from moss used to fill the gaps between the construction elements of an alpine chalet. Dendrochronological date: between 1608 and 1700 AD.

Pollen analysis - Mondelange (F-57), rue de Metz

Collected date : Feb 2020

4 palynological samples from two Roman wells.

Pollen analysis - Bouverans (F-25), L'entonnoir

Collected date : 2018
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: lake. Lake bottom sampling during the 2018 drought. 9 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Thin-le-Moutier (F-08), Motte de Chantereine

Collected date : 1986
Creators : Hervé Richard

Peat bog around castral mound. 21 palynological samples + 1 radiocarbon dating.

Pollen analysis -Vanault-le-Châtel (F-51), Castle mound

Collected date : 1986
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: ditch on the edge of a castle mound. 4 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Besançon (25), Rue de Vignier Battant

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Urban archaeological site: archaeological excavation; 10 palynological samples. Report sent to SRA Franche-Comté in October (23) 1987.

Appropriation and land use in Blandy-les-Tours (Seine-et-Marne), from the 16th to the 19th century

Disciplines : archaeology geography history
Collected date : from Oct 2011 to Oct 2014
Creators : Albane Rossi

Recent work, part of a process of opening up to multidisciplinarity, has underlined that the organisation of rural societies can no longer be understood without taking into account their relationship to space. These developments are now leading to work on the spatial dimension of data extracted from ...

Database derived from the annual registers of the marc tax of Dijon 1376-1447

Collected date : from 1989 to 2009

Marcs tax registers annually recorded heads of households in Dijon, indicating their name, amount of tax or lack of tax for exemption, death or departure, their home location (parish and street) and in some cases their profession. Additional informations such as a move within or outside the city, or ...

HISTORISK database

Collected date : from 1 Jan 2006 ongoing
Creators : Emmanuel Garnier

The HISTORISK database lists and describes hazards having caused disasters and consequently recorded in archives and historic document (maps, paintings, newspapers, etc.) occured in France (mainland and overseas territories) since the Middle Ages. From 2018, new data of the same type will concern ...

20 results


dat@OSU is a sub-portal of dat@UBFC, a metadata catalogue for research data produced at UBFC.

République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers