Greenhouse gases
Translations : greenhouse gases, gaz à effet de serre
Frame of reference : Unified Astronomy Thesaurus identified by 684

MeCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for methane (CH4), resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.

SHeCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.

TFMeCaSDa database
Calculated spectroscopic line lists for carbon tetrafluoride, resulting from the most recent high-resolution experimental spectrum assignments and fits.

Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) in Cathedral Peak, South Africa
Monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O), using field incubation chambers, in the region Cathedral Peak (KwaZulu Natal nature reserve, South Africa)