Continental weathering
Translations : continental weathering, altération continentale

Jurassic Karst
Hydrogeochemical monitoring of karst springs in the Jura mountains

Pressure-Temperature quantification of continental crustal hydration - Colorado Plateau
Data acquired in collaboration with the University of Boulder in Colorado (U.S.A.) for the understanding of the Colorado Plateau elevation. These data sets include mineralogical, petrological, chemical, pressure-temperature modelisation and density evolution.

Continental weathering as a driver of Late Cretaceous cooling: new insights from clay mineralogy of Campanian sediments from the southern Tethyan margin to the Boreal realm
New clay mineralogical analyses have been performed on Campanian sediments from the Tethyan and Boreal realms along a palaeolatitudinal transect from 45° to 20°N (Danish Basin, North Sea, Paris Basin, Mons Basin, Aquitaine Basin, Umbria-Marche Basin and Tunisian Atlas). Significant terrigenous ...