Pollen analysis - La Châteleine (F-39), Au vieux château
Only one sample in a natural depression in the heart of the castle excavation.

Database derived from the annual registers of the marc tax of Dijon 1376-1447
Marcs tax registers annually recorded heads of households in Dijon, indicating their name, amount of tax or lack of tax for exemption, death or departure, their home location (parish and street) and in some cases their profession. Additional informations such as a move within or outside the city, or ...

Pollen analysis - Omisalj (Croatia)
Pollen analysis conducted in 2018 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (OMISALJ-2016) at Omisalj, Krk Island.

Pollen analysis - Osor (Croatia)
Pollen analysis conducted in 2018 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (OSOR-2016) at Osor, Cres Island.

Pollen analyses - Les Hôpitaux-Vieux (F-25), La Beuffarde
Pollen analyses conducted in 2017 from a sediment core recovered in 2016 (BEUF-2016) at La Beuffarde, Les Hôpitaux-Vieux.

Pollen analyses - L'Auberson (CH-VD), Les Araignys
Pollen analyses conducted in 2017 from a sediment core recovered in 2015 (ARA-2015) at Les Araignys, L'Auberson.