
Translations : paleontology ; paléontologie

Domain : sciences of the universe

346 results

Evolution and morphological diversity of land snail protoconchs

Collected date : from 20 Oct 2011 ongoing

This project is in line with one of the major historical scientific theme of the Biogeosciences laboratory: the study of morphological evolution analyzed in the light of ontogeny. By building the first comprehensive corpus of terrestrial gastropod protoconchs, the aim is to stimulate numerous ...

Pollen analysis - Les Rousses (F-39), Les Rousses lake

Collected date : from 1986 to 2021
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: peat bog near the lake's outlet. 16 palynological samples. The selection was made in several drillings. Two pollen tests performed in 2021 towards the lake outlet.

Pollen analysis - Le Miroir (F-71), La Tuilerie (La Peupleraie), A39-T1 and T2

Collected date : 1995
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site over the alignment of the A39 motorway; drilling. Two series: T1 (18 poor samples) and T2 (88 palynological samples + 2 radiocarbon datings). Samples often difficult to read. Publication CRAS, 1996.

Pollen analysis - Auneau (F-28), L'Hermitage (detour road 18/116/19)

Collected date : from 2011 to 2012

Natural site: drilling with motorised "russian" core. 120 palynological samples. + 6 radiocarbon datings. 2015 publication: only the "gallo-roman" part.

Pollen analysis - Villers-le-Lac (F-25), La Roche aux pêcheurs

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: rock shelter. 10 palynological samples. Only one acceptable result. Archaeological excavation: Ch. Cupillard, SRA de Franche-Comté.

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), îlot David-1987, FG 30, 86 S-C, 86 G23

Collected date : 1987
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 9 palynological samples (related to M. Magny PhD thesis, 1991).

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain, îlot David, A 33/34

Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 11 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Héricourt (F-70), La Lizaine (chemin de l'usine)

Collected date : 1989
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavation of rural settlement. 7 palynological samples. Approximate geographical coordinates.

Pollen analysis - Grozon (F-39), L'étang (Marais)

Collected date : 1981
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wooded swamp. 144 palynological samples with 2 radiocarbon datings. Sometimes quite poor. Further analyses were done in the village of Grozon around the salt springs by E. Gauthier (PhD, 2001).

Pollen analysis - Clairvaux-les-lacs (F-39), Station II

Collected date : 1983
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 14 palynological samples + radiocarbon and dendrochronological datings.

Pollen analysis - Bonlieu (F-39), Le Lautrey (point 205)

Collected date : 1995

Peat bog; 51 palynological samples. Other analyses on this site by Carole Bégeot and Pascale Ruffaldi (2006)

Pollen analysis - Andelot-en-Montagne (F-39), Marais (KTH)

Collected date : 2016
Creators : Hervé Richard

Peat bog. 9 palynological samples. KTH testing (see : Sjörgen, P. 2007. Mires and Peat, International Mire Conservation Group and International Peat Society ; Gobet, 2014)

Pollen analysis - Auneau (F-28), 1996 : Le Parc du Château, forage A10

Collected date : from 1996 to 1997

Natural site: drilling. 71 palynological samples + 4 radiocarbon datings (one is wrong, too recent). Malacological studies by Nicole Limondin (1997).

Pollen analysis - Boécourt (Suisse, Jura), Les Pécats (Les Montoyes)

Collected date : 2009

Natural site: section. 44 palynological samples. Sterile or unavailable samples.

Pollen analysis - Corsier (Suisse, Genève), Marina

Collected date : 1986

Lacustrin archaeological site: sub-lake drilling. 25 palynological samples in the core C1

Pollen analysis - Boncourt (Suisse, Jura), Le Neu Bois

Collected date : 2007

Natural site: geological section. 13 palynological samples. Almost all sterile.

Pollen analysis - Ponsonby (Chili, Provincia Ultima Esperenza, Patagonia Austral), Emperaire/Legoupil excavations (Riesco Island)

Collected date : from 1998 to 1999

Sections in an archaeological site. 146 palynological samples + 7 radiocarbon datings. 3 series: pingüino, locus 1 (very poor) et locus 2.

Pollen analysis - Villers-le-Lac (F-25), Les Prés Mourey

Collected date : 1991
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: rock shelter. 8 palynological samples. 6 radiocarbon datings. Archeological dig: Ch. Cupillard, SRA de Franche-Comté.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), Sur la Vigne 1 (Morteau A)

Collected date : 1982
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 99 palynological samples + 4 radiocarbon datings. Drilling of 28.10 meters length.

Pollen analysis - Montlebon (F-25), La Vigne 2

Collected date : 1992
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: wet meadow. 22 palynological samples. From 3,90 to 18,85 meters length: extension of Morteau Stade and Sur la Seigne transect lines.

Pollen analysis - La-Chaux-du-Dombief (F-39), Lac d'Ilay 1989

Collected date : 1989
Creators : Pascale Ruffaldi

Natural site: peat bog border on the lake. 10 palynological samples.

Pollen analysis - Fontenu (F-39), Lac de Chalain, Station 3-1986 (îlot David)

Collected date : 1986
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site. Lake dwelling. 5 palynological samples (related to M. Magny PhD thesis, 1991).

Pollen analysis - Arinthod (F-39), Brenet

Collected date : 1988

Natural site. Marsh. 145 palynological samples by Hervé Richard and Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu (Marseille). No radiocarbon dating. Never published. Re-work required (totality of Tardiglacial and Holocene).

Pollen analysis - Courroux (Suisse, Jura), Roc de Courroux

Collected date : 2009
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological excavation. 3 palynological samples. Differential conservation: very high number of cichorioideae pollen.

Pollen analysis - Annecy (F-74), Annecy-le-port

Collected date : 1989

Archaeological site: sub-lakeside drillings. 32 palynological samples. 4 different drillings: ouest 1, ouest 1bis, n°5 and n°4.

346 results



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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers