Pierre Lanari
Main affiliation : Institut für Geologie
Website : https://www.geo.unibe.ch/about_us/the_institute/personen/prof_lanari_pierre/index_eng.html
Quantitative X-ray mapping of brittle shear zones precursors
Objective : characterize the chemical zonings in plagioclase and garnet related to fluid-rock interactions within a shear zone precursor
Pressure-Temperature quantification of continental crustal hydration - Colorado Plateau
Data acquired in collaboration with the University of Boulder in Colorado (U.S.A.) for the understanding of the Colorado Plateau elevation. These data sets include mineralogical, petrological, chemical, pressure-temperature modelisation and density evolution.
Suretta nappe shear zones
The database "Suretta nappe shear zones" contains petrological, structural and microtextural data of millimetre-scale shear zones from the Roffna rhyolite (Suretta nappe, Eastern Alps, Switzerland). The data consist of structural orientations, optical and electronic images of the mineralogy of the ...