Christine Guillaume

Main affiliation : Service Régional de l'Archéologie de Lorraine (DRAC Metz)

6 results

Pollen analysis - Vincey (F-88), Travaux N57

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: section in a sinkhole in the road works (RN57). 3 palynological samples. Negative.

Pollen analysis - Chavelot (F-88), Clair Bois

Collected date : from 1984 to 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site (workshop for cutting firestone) + paleosol. 7 palynological samples. Very poor. Report together with the site of Archette (88) + one sample in 1988.

Pollen analysis - Domrémy-la-Pucelle (F-88), Doline

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: geological section in a doline. 3 palynological samples. Negative.

Pollen analysis - Robert-Espagne (F-55), Doline

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: section in a doline. 8 palynological samples. Negative or almost.

Pollen analysis - Dugny-sur-Meuse (F-55), Quarry

Collected date : 1988
Creators : Hervé Richard

Natural site: sedimentary filling of a doline. 3 palynological samples. Negative.

Pollen analysis - Archettes (F-88), Les Côtes (Le Brot de la Saulx)

Collected date : 1984
Creators : Hervé Richard

Archaeological site: workshops of silex flint sharpening in a paleosol. 4 palynological samples. Very poor. Joint report with the site of Chavelot.

6 results


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République Française
Université de Bourgogne, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, AgroSup Dijon, ENSMM, BSB, Arts des Metiers